Maritime operations in the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • ספר

<div>Sir Julian S. Corbett, trained in law, died in 1922. </div>

כותר Maritime operations in the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 / Julian S. Corbett
with an introduction by John B. Hattendorf and Donald M. Schurman.
מוציא לאור Annapolis, Maryland : Naval Institute Press
Newport, Rhode Island : Naval War College Press
שנה 2015
הערות Description based upon print version of record.
הערת תוכן ותקציר Table of Contents
Introduction: Naval Aspects of the Far Eastern Question
Chapter I. Strained Relations
Chapter II. The Japanese Opening
Chapter III. Operations for Covering the Seizure of Seoul. The Holding Attack on Port Arthur
Chapter IV. The Landing at Chemulpho and Destruction of the Russian Guard Ships
Chapter V. Acceleration of the Occupation of Southern Korea and the Fist Attempt to Cover by Blocking
Chapter VI. Dispositions to Cover the Advance of the Military Base to Ping-Yang
Chapter VII. Operations to COver the Passage and Landing of the Guards and Second Division, and the Concentration of the First Army on the YaluChapter VIII. Admiral Togo's Plan of Operation for Covering the Final Deployment of the Japanese Army
Chapter IX. Reliminary Operations in Preparation for the Final Deployment-The First Mining Attack on Port Arthur-The Death of Admiral Makarov and the Fourth Bombardment
Chapter X. Final Arrangements for the Military Deployment and Admiral Kamimural's Diversion in the Sea of Japan
Chapter XI. Russian Dispositions to Meet the Japanese Deployment. Japanese Naval Co-operation at the Passage of the Yalu and with the Movement of the Second Army. The Third Attempt to Block Port Arthur. Chapter XII. Landing of the Second Army
Chapter XIII. Arrangements for Co-operation in the Advance of the Second Army. Japanese Naval Losses of May 15th and the Consequent Modification of the System of Blockade
Chapter XIV. Co-operation with the advance of the second army and the final stage of the Main Deployment
Chapter XV. The Battle of Nanshan
Chapter XVI. The Russian Offensive Return in June-Japanese Naval Co-operation to assist in meeting it and Admiral Vitgeft's Instructions for its Support Chapter XVII. Failure of the Russian Combination to relieve Port Arthur. The Battle of the Telissu and Admiral Bezobrazov's Raid-It's Object and Results
Chapter XVIII. The Sortie of the Port Arthur Squadron, June 23rd
Chapter XIX. Progress of the Combined Operations against Port Arthur, and Admiral Bezobrazov's Second Diversion
Chapter XX. Admiral Iessen's Raid
Chapter XXI. Situation at Port Arthur July 24th to August 10th
Chapter XXII. The Battle of the Yellow SeaChapter XXIII. Movements after the Action
Chapter XXIV. THe Cruiser Action ooff Ulsan
Chapter XXV. The End of the Campaign
A. Organisation for war of the Russian Pacific Fleet in pursuance of the accepted plan of Campaign
B. Japanese Battle Instructions
I. General instructions to the combined fleed by Admiral Togo
II. Special instructions to the First Division by Admiral Togo
III. Special instructions for the Second Division by Admiral Kamimura
IV. Special instructions to the Third Division by Rear-Admiral Dewa
V. Special instructions to the Fourth Division by Rear-Admiral Uriu
היקף החומר 1 online resource (601 p.)
שפה אנגלית
שנת זכויות יוצרים ©1994
מספר מערכת 997012635126205171
תצוגת MARC

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