חזרה לתוצאות החיפוש


להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט

If the life of any 20th century mathematician can be said to be a history of mathematics in his time, it is that of David Hilbert. To the enchanted young mathematicians and physicists who flocked to study with him in Gottingen before and between the World Wars, he seemed mathematics personified, the very air around him "scientifically electric." His remarkably prescient proposal in 1900 of twenty-three problems for the coming century set the course of much subsequent mathematics and remains a feat that no scientist in any field has been able to duplicate. When he died, Nature remarked that there was scarcely a mathematician in the world whose work did not derive from that of Hilbert. Constance Reid's classic biography is a moving, nontechnical account of the passionate scientific life of this man - from the early days in Konigsberg, when his revolutionary work was dismissed as "theology," to the golden years in Gottingen before Hitler came to power and within a few months destroyed the entire Hilbert school. The Copernicus paperback edition makes this book available to new generations of mathematicians who know the name Hilbert, which is everywhere in mathematics, but do not know the man.

כותר Hilbert / Constance Reid.
מוציא לאור New York : Copernicus
שנה ©1996
הערות Includes bibliographical references and index.
הערת תוכן ותקציר Youth -- Friends and teachers -- Doctor of philosophy -- Paris -- Gordan's problem -- Changes -- Only number fields -- Tables, chairs, and beer mugs -- Problems -- The future of mathematics -- The new century -- Second youth -- The passionate scientific life -- Space, time, and number -- Friends and students -- Physics -- War -- The foundations oof mathematics -- The new order -- The infinite! -- Borrowed time -- Logic and the understanding of nature -- Exodus -- Age -- The last word.
היקף החומר ix, 228 pages : illustrations, map
24 cm
שפה אנגלית
מספר מערכת 997009523489505171

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