The rise of the modern Yiddish theater

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט

"Alyssa Quint focuses on the early years of the modern Yiddish theater, from roughly 1876 to 1883, through the works of one of its best-known and most colorful figures, Avrom Goldfaden. Goldfaden (né Goldenfaden, 1840-1908) was one of the first playwrights to stage a commercially viable Yiddish-language theater, first in Romania and then in Russia. Goldfaden's work was rapidly disseminated in print and his plays were performed frequently for Jewish audiences. Sholem Aleichem considered him as a forger of a new language that 'breathed the European spirit into our old jargon.' Quint uses Goldfaden's theatrical works as a way to understand the social life of Jewish theater in Imperial Russia. Through a study of his libretti, she looks at the experiences of Russian Jewish actors, male and female, to explore connections between culture as artistic production and culture in the sense of broader social structures. Quint explores how Jewish actors who played Goldfaden's work on stage absorbed the theater into their everyday lives. Goldfaden's theater gives a rich view into the conduct, ideology, religion, and politics of Jews during an important moment in the history of late Imperial Russia"-- Provided by publisher.

כותר The rise of the modern Yiddish theater / Alyssa Quint.
מוציא לאור Bloomington, Indiana : Indiana University Press
שנה [2019
הערות Includes bibliographical references (pages 267-280) and index.
הערת תוכן ותקציר The social life of Jewish theater in the Russian Empire : an introduction -- Goldfaden, elite (1876-1883) -- The rise of the Yiddish actor -- The rise of the Jewish audience -- The rise of the Jewish playwright -- The rise of the female Yiddish actor -- The ban, cultural momentum, and the modern Yiddish theater -- Afterword : the fall and rise of Avrom Goldfaden.
סדרה Jews in Eastern Europe
היקף החומר xi, 283 pages : illustrations
24 cm.
שפה אנגלית
שנת זכויות יוצרים ©2019
מספר מערכת 990050379550205171

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