Art and form

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • ספר

"Explores the rise of formalism in the visual arts. Employs an expanded sense of form to rethink a range of areas, including the history of writing about art, constructions of high and low culture, and the idea of global modernism"--Provided by publisher.

כותר Art and form : from Roger Fry to global modernism / Sam Rose.
מהדורה 1st ed.
מוציא לאור University Park, Pennsylvania : The Pennsylvania State University Press
שנה [2019
הערות Includes bibliographical references (pages 181-201) and index.
In English.
הערת תוכן ותקציר Form and modernist aesthetics on or about 1910 -- The science of art criticism after the 1910s -- Mass civilization and minority visual culture -- Design theory and Marxist art writing : for and against mass culture -- Modernism and form in Africa, Britain, and South Asia.
סדרה Refiguring modernism
היקף החומר 1 online resource (x, 208 pages) : illustrarions.
שפה אנגלית
שנת זכויות יוצרים ©2019
מספר מערכת 997010706268805171
תצוגת MARC

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