audio items

The Pioneers (Hechalutz) Scenes from Folk-life in Palestine

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
בביצוע Fradkin, Asa; Laine, Karin; Neer, Daniel; Sieradzki, Adi; Weinberg, Ellen L; Hilts, Cynthia
תאריך היצירה 2012
השותפים ביצירה Weinberg, Jacob 1879-1956 (composer, librettist)
Fradkin, Asa (singer, performer)
Laine, Karin (singer, performer)
Neer, Daniel (singer, performer)
Sieradzki, Adi (singer, performer)
Weinberg, Ellen L (narrator, performer)
Hilts, Cynthia (pianist, performer)
הערת מקום וזמן The Theatre at Saint Clements
New-York City
תיאור פיזי 1 קלטת וידאו DVD : צבעוני, קול
3/4 4 אינץ'..

שפה heb
הערות From the accompanying papers: "My grandfather Jacob wrote this comic opera. It won an international contest. It was last performed at Carnegie Hall in 1949. No recordings exist. It's 2012. It's time to bring the highlights of this beautiful work back to life".
From the accompanying papers: "About the opera: 'The Pioneers' was written in 1924 in Jerusalem. It is believed to be the first opera in Hebrew, on Jewish themes. It has been translated into English and Yiddish as well. It won first prize in an international composition contest and the prize money enabled Jacob to emigrate from Palestine to the US and settle in NYC. It was performed in a concert version in Jerusalem, Berlin, in NYC at the City Center (when it was still called the Mecca Temple), and twice at the Carnegie Hall (in 1946 and in 1949). The latter performance had a full orchestra and chorus. In Berlin, it was performed in the '30s in a synagogue because the Nazis would not allow the work of a Jewish person to be performed in a concert hall. It won rave reviews. The Soprano role was sung by Mascha Benya, a celebrated singer. There has never been a full production".
For Jacob Weinberg's full archive in the Music Department, see: MUS 251.
This performance was recorded in a live concert.

הערה ביוגרפית על המבצע The narrator is Jacob Weinberg granddaughter.
מספר מדף VID 00203
Y 17046 - old
מספר מערכת 990035005660205171

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