audio items

The Garland encyclopedia of world music. selected audio examples. .Africa

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • הקלטה מסחרית
נגן שירים ברצף
עמוד שיר openModalIcon
  • 1.
    CD-00717 - Full Sound Recording
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    CD-00717 - Track 01
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    CD-00717 - Track 02
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    CD-00717 - Track 03
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    CD-00717 - Track 04
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    CD-00717 - Track 05
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    CD-00717 - Track 06
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    CD-00717 - Track 07
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    CD-00717 - Track 08
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    CD-00717 - Track 09
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    CD-00717 - Track 10
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    CD-00717 - Track 11
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    CD-00717 - Track 12
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    CD-00717 - Track 13
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    CD-00717 - Track 14
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    CD-00717 - Track 15
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    CD-00717 - Track 16
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    CD-00717 - Track 17
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    CD-00717 - Track 18
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    CD-00717 - Track 19
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    CD-00717 - Track 20
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    CD-00717 - Track 21
נגן שירים ברצף
כותרים נוספים Africa [sound recording] : selected audio examples
חברת התקליטים New York : Garland Publishing
תאריך היצירה 1998
השותפים ביצירה Indiana University. Archives of Traditional Music
סוגה World music,Folk songs
תיאור פיזי 1 sound disc (ca. 57 min.) : digital, stereo
4 3/4 in..

שפה mul
משך 00:59:25
הערות Accompanies vol. 1 of the Garland encyclopedia of world music (Music Reading Room: A-42).
Various combinations of solo voices, choruses, solo instruments, instrumental ensembles.
Tradition: Region : Africa
Words in original languages.

הערת תוכן Kpelle Woi-mene-pele epic excerpt (4:27) -- Ethiopian Lidet (Christmas) celebration (3:08) -- Inanga chuchotée (whispered inanga) (4
12) -- Vai call to prayer (5:07) -- Palm-wine highlife song (2:56) -- Anlo-ewe kinka drumming (2:16) -- Anlo-ewe kinka songs (2:13) -- Maninka mansareh praise song (balabolo) including "Nyin min nyama, nyama" (5:44) -- Bala pattern of Maninka Mansareh bolo (:51) -- Maninka duwa praise song (1:15) -- Tuareg Tihadanaren (1:57) -- Tuareg tekemba song "Khadisia" (1:32) -- Basoga lusoga song "Enyhonyhi kolojo" 'Thieving birds' -- Baganda akadinda song "Gganga aluwa" 'Gganga escaped with his life' (2:26) -- Somali caayar "dhaanto," excerpt 1 (2:45) --
Somali caayar "dhaanto," excerpt 2 (:16) -- Popular song "Motike" 'Orphans' (2:02) -- "Makala," a song performed during a BaAka (pygmy) hunting dance call Mabo (2:30) -- BaAka of Dzanga perform a song during the eboka y nzapa 'god dance' in the style of neighboring Bolamba pygmies (2:12) -- Shona Munyonga mbira song, "Tongore" (2:25) -- Shona ancestral spirit song, "Nyama musango" (2:45).

הערת משתתפים Kulung of Kolobio and a chorus from Yilataa ; Priest and debteras of the Holy Trinity Church of Addis Ababa ; Joseph Torobeka, inanga (trough zither) and voice ; Muhammad Manobala, voice ; Koo Nimo and band, Koo Nimo, guitar and lead voice ; Avenor Youth Association ; Pa Sanasi Kuyateh, bala (frame xylophone with gourd resonators), Hawa Kuyatech, karinyan (cylindrical iron bell struck with iron beater) and solo voice, Nimeh Kaleh, Sayo Kaleh, Mariama Kaleh, and others, chorus ; Pa Sanasi Kuyateh, bala ; Kyatech, Hawa Kuyateh, and Nimeh Kaleh, voices ; Bouchit bint Loki, anzad (bowed lute) ; Hartaye ag Muhammed, tahardent (plucked lute) and voice ; Silagi Kirimungo and his family group of semiprofessiona farmer-musicians ; Sheikh Burukan Kiwuuwa and his group of royal akadida musicians ; Cabdillaahi Xirsi "Baarleex," Xasan Maxamed Faarax, and mixed chorus, voices ; Zokela Original ; Mixed chorus including Kwanga, Mboya, and Ndami ; James Masango, mbira (pluck lamellophone) ; Elias Kunaka and Kidwell Mudzimirema (Mharadzirwa), wide mbiras (plucked lamellophones).
הערת שפת ביצוע Words in original languages.
מספר מדף CD 00717
מספר מערכת 990030175870205171

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