Mental illness in ancient medicine

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • ספר

In 'Mental Illness in Ancient Medicine: From Celsus to Paul of Aegina' a detailed account is given, by a range of experts in the field, of the development of different conceptualizations of the mind and its pathology by medical authors from the beginning of the imperial period to the seventh century CE.0New analysis is offered, both of the dominant texts of Galen and of such important but neglected figures as Rufus, Archigenes, Athenaeus of Attalia, Aretaeus, Caelius Aurelianus and the Byzantine 'compilers'. The work of these authors is considered both in its medical-historical context and in relation to philosophical and theological debates - on ethics and on the nature of the soul - with which they interacted.

כותר Mental illness in ancient medicine : from Celsus to Paul of Aegina / edited by Chiara Thumiger and P. N. Singer.
יוצרים נוספים Thumiger, Chiara (editor)
Singer, P. N. (Peter N.), 1962- (editor)
מוציא לאור Leiden
Boston : Brill
שנה [2018]
הערות Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
הערת תוכן ותקציר Between insanity and wisdom : perceptions of melancholy in the ps. -- Hippocratic letters / George Kazantzidis -- "Not a daimon, but a severe illness" : Oribasius, Posidonius and later ancient perspectives on superhuman agents causing disease / Nadine Metzger -- Athenaeus of Attalia on the psychological causes of bodily health / Sean Coughlin -- Archigenes of Apamea's treatment of mental diseases / Orly Lewis -- Mental perceptions and pathology in the work of Rufus of Ephesus / Melinda Letts -- Mental disorders and psychological suffering in Galen's Cases / Julien Devinant -- Galen on memory, forgetting and memory loss / Ricardo Juliao -- Stomachikon, hydrophobia and other eating disturbances : volition and taste in late-antique medical discussions / Chiara Thumiger -- "A most acute, disgusting and indecent disease" : satyriasis and sexual disorders in ancient medicine / Chiara Thumiger -- Mental derangement in methodist nosography : what Caelius Aurelianus had to say / Anna Maria Urso -- Mental illnesses in the medical compilations of late antiquity : the case of Aetius of Amida / Ricarda Gabel -- Making the distinction : the stoic view of mental illness / Marke Ahonen -- Philosophical psychological therapy : did it have any impact on medical practice? / Christopher Gill -- Galen's pathological soul : diagnosis and therapy in ethical and medical texts and contexts / P. N. Singer.
סדרה Studies in ancient medicine, 0925-1421
volume 50
היקף החומר xv, 479 pages.
שפה אנגלית
מספר מערכת 990043920060205171

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