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אוסף גלויות מארץ ישראל

لتكبير النص لتصغير النص

This postcard collection was given to the President of Israel, Itzchak Ben Zvi in 1961 by Mr. M.N. Dayan, in honor of the 13th Independence Day of Israel. The postcards were attached to a pamphlet of songs and drawings by Mr. Dayan in French. The poems were rhymed statements of praise and adulation for the Zionist Movement, the State of Israel, the IDF and to the Lord for all his mercies. He attached these postcards to the texts that praise the special places in Israel, its cities and settlements. Mr. Dayan, born in 1892, came to Israel from Egypt in May 1957. There he worked in the Deutcshe-Orient Bank, as an importer at Port Said and as a member in the Committee of Homee Owners in Helipolis. He left Egypt with his wife. They travelled to Israel by plane from Greece (May 2nd 1957) and then on a boat to the Haifa Port. They arrived on May 17th 1957. In the pamphlet he writes about his grandfather Yitzchak and his father Nissan Dayan who used to come to Israel every year and were even supporters of the Jewish National Fund. They were not fortunate enough to come and live in the Holy Land. M.N. Dayan adds and describes in his writings to the President of Israel how the Jewish Agency staff welcomed him as a new immigrant to Israel. He and his wife were housed in a ma'abara (immigrant's camp) before settling in a small hut in Be'er Sheva. The dry climate in the Negev was not good for his health and they therefore moved to Bat Yam.

رقم الرف
رقم الإستدعاء لدى الوصي الحالي
יד יצחק בן צבי;YBZ.0246
تاريخ الإصدار
25 פריטים.
  • יד יצחק בן צבי
العنوان אוסף גלויות מארץ ישראל.
عنوان بديل English title: Postcards from Israel
ملاحظات אוסף זה קוטלג על ידי צוות יד יצחק בן צבי החל מ-02/02/2012 ועד 17/11/2017
هذا جزء من יד יצחק בן צבי
مستوى التوصيف Fonds Record
الإعتمادات רשומה זו היא חלק מפרויקט רשת ארכיוני ישראל (רא"י) וזמינה במסגרת שיתוף פעולה בין יד יצחק בן צבי, משרד ירושלים ומורשת והספרייה הלאומית של ישראל. This bibliographic record is part of the Israel Archive Network project (IAN) and has been made accessible thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Yad Ben Zvi Archive, the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage and the National Library of Israel.
رقم النظام 997009628439305171
      1. إظهار العناصر الـ 10 التالية من أصل 351
      2. عرض الكل

عند كل استخدام، يجب تحديد المادة في النموذج التالي:

רשומה זו היא חלק מפרויקט רשת ארכיוני ישראל (רא"י) וזמינה במסגרת שיתוף פעולה בין יד יצחק בן צבי, משרד ירושלים ומורשת והספרייה הלאומית של ישראל. This bibliographic record is part of the Israel Archive Network project (IAN) and has been made accessible thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Yad Ben Zvi Archive, the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage and the National Library of Israel.

תנאי השימוש:

تمّ وضع شروط استخدام تتناسب مع كل ملف أرشيفي على حدة.

تظهر شروط الاستخدام في صفحة الملف الأرشيفي على موقع المكتبة الوطنية.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول خدمة الاستيضاح عن حالة حقوق التأليف والنشر، وشروط استخدام المواد المتاحة في مجموعات المكتبة، انقروا هنا.


أتعرفون المزيد عن هذا العنصر؟ وجدتم خطأ ما؟
