אוסף סולימאן (סולי) מוטהדה, איראן

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وصف المحتوى

Suleiman (Soli) Muthada was born in Isfahan, Iran in 1941, His parents, Aziz and Heshmet, who were born in Isfahan, moved to Teheran after their wedding in 1939. Heshmet's family lived in Mahuz, a village that was destroyed during the Iran-Iraq war. They were merchants. The parents of Aziz died when he was two years old. He and his brothers were forced to move from home to home of family members. As a child Suleiman studied in a mixed elementary school in Teheran and afterwards in the Jewish Alliance School (Kol Yisrael Chaverim). He studied theater and participated in different productions. He also adopted the hobby of mountain climbing. He scaled a number of mountains with his friends and even won an award from the Iranian Sports Center for his achievements in this field. In 1961, when Suleiman was 20 years old, he moved to Israel by himself, with the assistance of the 'Hachalutz' Movement that trained Jewish youth in Iran to make Aliyah. His brother came to Israel afterwards and a number of years later his parents and the rest of his siblings came as well. His father worked for Keren Kayemet Le'Israel (JNF). Suleiman learned Hebrew in the Beit Ha'am Ulpan in Jerusalem. He worked in the Freidman Heating Factory, in Givat Shaul and as a guard at the Hebrew University. At first Suleiman lived at the home of his uncle in Jerusalem. After his marriage to Rivka (who was a relative) in the 1970's, the couple moved to Ma'ale Adumim. They had children and grandchildren. Together with other immigrants from Iran, Suleiman helped found the Persian language theater in Israel where he acted for many years. The repertoire of the theater was varied: the experiences of the new immigrants in Israel; original Persian productions and translations of Persian plays. The theater is still active today. This photo collection was brought to the Yad Ben-Zvi archives by Muthada Suleiman. The pictures give us a peek into his childhood years in Teheran. There are photographs of him mountain climbing and performing in the theater, as well as other family pictures.

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رقم الرف
رقم الإستدعاء لدى الوصي الحالي
יד יצחק בן צבי;YBZ.0877
تاريخ الإصدار
40 פריטים.
אוסף סולימאן (סולי) מוטהדה, איראן.
عنوان بديل
English title: Suleiman (Soli) Muthada, Iran
אוסף זה קוטלג על ידי צוות יד יצחק בן צבי החל מ-01/01/2018 ועד 31/12/2018
هذا جزء من
יד יצחק בן צבי
مستوى التوصيف
Fonds Record
רשומה זו היא חלק מפרויקט רשת ארכיוני ישראל (רא"י) וזמינה במסגרת שיתוף פעולה בין יד יצחק בן צבי, משרד ירושלים ומורשת והספרייה הלאומית של ישראל. This bibliographic record is part of the Israel Archive Network project (IAN) and has been made accessible thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Yad Ben Zvi Archive, the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage and the National Library of Israel.
رقم النظام

تمّ وضع شروط استخدام تتناسب مع كل ملف أرشيفي على حدة.

تظهر شروط الاستخدام في صفحة الملف الأرشيفي على موقع المكتبة الوطنية.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول خدمة الاستيضاح عن حالة حقوق التأليف والنشر، وشروط استخدام المواد المتاحة في مجموعات المكتبة، انقروا هنا.

عند كل استخدام، يجب تحديد المادة في النموذج التالي:
מוטהדה, סולימאן (סולי) REI-YBZ (יוצר האוסף), אוסף סולימאן (סולי) מוטהדה, איראן, 01/01/1930-31/12/1970, סימול IL-INL-YBZ-0877, יד יצחק בן צבי, יד יצחק בן צבי;YBZ.0877.


רשומה זו היא חלק מפרויקט רשת ארכיוני ישראל (רא"י) וזמינה במסגרת שיתוף פעולה בין יד יצחק בן צבי, משרד ירושלים ומורשת והספרייה הלאומית של ישראל. This bibliographic record is part of the Israel Archive Network project (IAN) and has been made accessible thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Yad Ben Zvi Archive, the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage and the National Library of Israel.