Applied statistical theory and applications
لتكبير النص لتصغير النص- كتاب
This book makes a significant contribution to the advancement of statistical science. It contains research in many statistical designs, compares many statistical models, and includes a theory that is oriented to real life problems.
العنوان |
Applied statistical theory and applications / Mohammad Ahsanullah, editor. |
الناشر |
Hauppauge, New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
تاريخ الإصدار |
[2014 |
ملاحظات |
Description based upon print version of record. Includes bibliographical references and index. English |
رقم الرف |
""APPLIED STATISTICAL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS"" ""APPLIED STATISTICAL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS"" ""LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA"" ""CONTENTS"" ""PREFACE"" ""Chapter 1: ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE QUASI-NEGATIVE BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION"" ""Abstract"" ""1. Introduction"" ""2. Error Analysis of the QNBD"" ""3. Truncated Quasi-Negative Binomial Distribution"" ""4. Application to the Number of Absenteeism among Shift-Workers"" ""5. Conclusion"" ""Acknowledgments"" ""References"" ""Chapter 2: A NEW FAMILY OF SKEW SLASH LOGISTIC DISTRIBUTIONS"" ""1. Introduction""""2. Overview of Slash Distribution"" ""3. Slash Logistic Distribution"" ""4. Skew Slash Logistic Distribution"" ""5. Discussion"" ""Acknowledgment"" ""Chapter 3: ON THE MOMENTS OF SAMPLE COVARIANCE FROM A BIVARIATE NORMAL POPULATION"" ""2. Distribution of the Sample Covariance"" ""3. Moments of the Sample Covariance"" ""4. Conclusion"" ""Chapter 4: BAYESIAN IDENTIFICATION OF TWO DIMENSIONAL MOVING AVERAGE PROCESSES"" ""2. Two Dimensional Moving Average Processes""""3. Indirect Bayesian Identification Technique"" ""4. The Posterior ProbabilityMass Function of theModel Order"" ""5. A Numerical Study"" ""Summary and Conclusion"" ""Chapter 5: ON THE USE OF MOMENT ESTIMATORS TO TEST FOR A ZERO INFLATED POISSON (ZIP) DISTRIBUTION"" ""2. Methodology"" ""3. Hypothesis Testing Procedures"" ""4. Locally Most Powerful Test ( LMP Test)"" ""5. Power Computation"" ""6. Conclusion"" ""Acknowledgment and Dedication"" ""Chapter 6: OPTIMAL DESIGNING OF A VARIABLES QUICK SWITCHING SAMPLING SYSTEM BY MINIMZING THE AVERAGE SAMPLE NUMBER""""Abstract"" ""2. Conditions of Application and Operating Procedure"" ""3. Operating Characteristics of a Variables Quick Switching System"" ""4. Designing of a Known Sigma Variables Quick Switching System"" ""5. Designing of Unknown Sigma Variables QS System"" ""6. Examples"" ""7. Advantages of the Variables Quick Switching System"" ""8. Comparison of Parameters of Variables QSS"" ""9. Conclusions"" ""Chapter 7: CHARACTERISTICS OF BIBD AND COMPLEMENTARY BIBD IN TERMS OF TRIPLETS OF TREATMENTS""""Abstract"" ""2. Triplets of Balanced Incomplete Block Design"" ""3. Triplets of Union of BIB Design and Its Complementary BIB Design"" ""Chapter 8: BAYESIAN INFERENCE FOR AN IMPATIENT M|M|1 QUEUE WITH BALKING"" ""2. MLE OF p and Its Exact Distribution"" ""3. Bayes Estimator of p"" ""4. Expected Number of Customers in the System"" ""5. MLE and CAN Estimator for the Expected Number of Customers in the System"" |
سلسلة |
Applied statistical science |
الشكل |
1 online resource (250 p.) |
اللغة |
الانكليزية |
تأريخ حقوق الملكية الفكرية |
©2014 |
رقم النظام |
997010716332505171 |
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