[Yosippon ben Gurion], sive, Josephus Hebraicus

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العنوان [Yosippon ben Gurion], sive, Josephus Hebraicus : videlicet: Rerum memorabilium in populo Judaico tam pacis, quam belli tempore gestarum, inprimis de excidio Hierosolymitano libri VI. hebraici, juxta editionem Venetam, quam secuta est illa, quam secuta est illa, quæ superioribus annis Francofurti ad Moenum typis excusa est, atque collati sunt sex isti libri cum exemplari Constantinopolitano / cujus partem Sebast. Münsterus Basileæ edidit, & Latine versi a Jo. Friderico Breithaupto ...
عنوان بديل [Yosippon ben Gurion], sive, Josephus Hebraicus [electronic resource]
Josephus hebraicus ...
יוסיפון בן גוריון
مساهم Josephus, Flavius
Münster, Sebastian, 1489-1552
Breithaupt, Johann Friedrich, 1639-1713
الناشر Gothae : Apud Andream Schallium
تاريخ الإصدار Anno MDCCX. [1710]
ملاحظات Parallel Hebrew and Latin texts, including the Latin translation of Josippon of Sefer Yosifon by Breithaupt.
Attributed erroneously both to Flavius Josephus and to Joseph ben Gorion, ha-Kohen. Cf. Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971) (under "Josippon") and Library of Congress record 79-951424.
Title in red and black.
Includes index.
Errata: p. [47]-[50] of last group.
Some of the copies of this book were looted by the Nazis during the Holocaust and reached the National Library as part of the 'Diaspora Treasures project'.
חלק מהעותקים נבזזו על ידי הנאצים בשואה והגיעו לספרייה הלאומית בעזרת מפעל ‘אוצרות הגולה’.
الشكل [44], 892, [50] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port
22 cm.
اللغة اللاتينية
رقم النظام 990021989010205171

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