Election Propaganda and Newspapers from Germany Collection

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The collection includes propaganda materials (flyers and leaflets) for general elections in Germany and newspapers from the Weimar period and the early "Third Reich". Another file includes materials for election campaigns within the Berlin Jewish community and the Prussian Association of Jewish communities in 1930. Some leafs show antisemtic motivs.

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رقم الرف
V 541 Election Propaganda and Newspapers from Germany Collection
تاريخ الإصدار
0.2 meters.
لغة المادة
لغات متعددة;
Election Propaganda and Newspapers from Germany Collection.
عنوان بديل
כותרת בעברית: אוסף תעמולת בחירות ועיתונים מגרמניה.
Collection of Election Propaganda and Newspapers from Germany.
Two files (formerly V 454) with similar materials have been added to this collection in April 2013. Additional materials have been added in May 2015: antisemitic drawings and portraits published in German newspapers.
Some outstanding examples from the collection were used in the virtual exhibition on NLI's website: From Democracy to Dictatorship: 80 Years Since the Fall of the Weimar Republic and the Nazi Rise to Power
ملاحظة اقتباس
V 541 Election Propaganda and Newspapers from Germany Collection, Archives department, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem
هذا جزء من
Election Propaganda and Newspapers from Germany Collection
مستوى التوصيف
Fonds Record
The collection was permanently deposited in the National Library in 1934, apparently by Heinrich Löwe. Additional material was possibly added later.
Most of the materials are in German, few items in English, French, Dutch and Yiddish.
رقم النظام

تمّ وضع شروط استخدام تتناسب مع كل ملف أرشيفي على حدة.

تظهر شروط الاستخدام في صفحة الملف الأرشيفي على موقع المكتبة الوطنية.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول خدمة الاستيضاح عن حالة حقوق التأليف والنشر، وشروط استخدام المواد المتاحة في مجموعات المكتبة، انقروا هنا.

عند كل استخدام، يجب تحديد المادة في النموذج التالي:
National Library of Israel (Creator of the collection), Election Propaganda and Newspapers from Germany Collection, 1923-1935, סימול V 541 Election Propaganda and Newspapers from Germany Collection, Election Propaganda and Newspapers from Germany Collection.