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Church of St. John, Samaria--Where Hoshea reigned over Israel nine years

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العنوان Church of St. John, Samaria--Where Hoshea reigned over Israel nine years
عنوان بديل Earthly Footsteps of The Man of Galilee Being Three Hundred and Eighty-Four Original Photographic Views and Descriptions of the Places Connected with the Earthly Life of Our Lord and His Apostles Traced with Note Book and Camera showing where Christ was born, brought up, baptized, tempted, transfigured and crucified, together with the scenes of his prayers, tears, miracles and sermons, and also places made sacred by the labors of his apostles, from Jerusalem to Rome by Bishop John H. Vincent, D.D., LL.D., Rev. James W. Lee, D.D., and R.E.M. Bain. London: W.A. Hammond, Holborn Hall, E.C.
رقم النظام A group of men stand outside a stone building. Ruins are at the left.
مساهم , E.C.W.A. Hammond,Holborn Hall
تاريخ الإصدار 1894
ملاحظات Photograph is printed in a book with a description beneath
printed description: "(II. Kings, xvii:1.)--'In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah began Hoshea the son of Elah to reign in Samaria over Israel nine years. And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord.' We learn from I. Kings, xvi:23, 24, that the hill upon which Samaria was situated, was bought from Shemer by King Omri. Before the purchase of the hill by Omri, Tirzah had been the capital of Israel and before Tirzah, Shechem had been the capital. Jereboam transferred his royal residence to Tirzah, as we learn from Solomon's Song, vi:4, and I. Kings, xiv:17, and because of the fertility of the soil about Samaria, Omri was led to purchase it. The Church of Saint John was erected between the years 1150 and 1180, over the traditional grave of Saint John the Baptist. It is now a complete ruin, and was, when this picure was taken, being torn down to make room for a mosque.".
Quality: Good
رقم الإستدعاء لدى الوصي الحالي Lenkin Family Collection
الشكل 1 photograph : b&w
25.5 x 17.6 cm ( 10 x 7 in)..
هذا جزء من Lenkin Family Collection.
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم الرف ARC. 4* 2092 / 1497
الحقوق online_resources
مستوى التوصيف File Record
الإعتمادات Lenkin Family Collection of Photography at the University of Pennsylvania Library, The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, The National Library of Israel אוסף תצלומי משפחת לנקין, ספריית אוניברסיטת פנסילבניה, האוסף הלאומי לתצלומים על שם משפחת פריצקר, הספרייה הלאומית
رقم النظام 997009563259705171
    1. Church of St. John, Samaria--Where Hoshea reigned over Israel nine years

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Lenkin Family Collection of Photography at the University of Pennsylvania Library, The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, The National Library of Israel אוסף תצלומי משפחת לנקין, ספריית אוניברסיטת פנסילבניה, האוסף הלאומי לתצלומים על שם משפחת פריצקר, הספרייה הלאומית

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