العودة إلى نتائج البحث

The Muratorian Fragment

لتكبير النص لتصغير النص

"This volume offers an introduction, critical edition, and fresh English translation of the Muratorian Fragment. In addition to addressing questions of authorship, date, provenance, and sources, Clare K. Rothschild carefully analyzes the text's language, composition, genre, and possible functions with reference to a breathtaking range of scholarly positions and findings from the eighteenth century to the present. She also investigates its position within the eclectic eighth-century Muratorian Codex (Ambr. I 101 sup.). A line-by-line philological commentary draws attention to literary, philosophical, and religious aspects of the individual traditions represented. This study should be of interest to scholars of the New Testament and early Christian literature, as well as experts on the emergence of the canon and historians of the Latin Medieval West." --Provided by publisher

العنوان The Muratorian Fragment : text, translation, commentary / Clare K. Rothschild.
الناشر Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck
تاريخ الإصدار [2022]
ملاحظات ISBN Barcode printed incorrectly on back cover.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 409-438) and indexes.
رقم الرف History, Genre, Text -- Introduction -- Problems in the Study of the Muratorian Fragment -- Presumed Date(s) of Composition -- Theoretical Issues -- Text and Genre Deciphering the Genre -- Analysis -- Excursus : Decretum Gelasianum -- Eucherius of Lyons -- Text and Translation -- Critical Edition -- English Translation -- Conspectus : Muratorian Fragment -- Composition -- Table 1. Ring Composition -- Conclusion -- History of Scholarship -- Introduction -- Manuscript Discovery -- 1740-1840 : Discovery and Initial Reaction -- 1840-1940 : Renaissance of Interest -- Tregelles's Visit to the Biblioteca Ambrosiana -- Excursus : Tregelles's Letter to His Cousin -- Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901) -- Friedrich Hermann Hesse, Theodor Zahn, Gottfried Kuhn -- Joseph Barber Lightfoot -- August Reifferscheid, Guerrino Amelli, Carl Paul Caspari, Paolo Angelo Ballerini -- Giovanni Mercati (1866-1957) -- Cuthbert Hamilton Turner (1860-1930), John Chapman, O. S. B. (1865-1933), Edgar Simmons Buchanan (1872-1932), Henri Leclerq (1869-1945) -- Saverio Ritter, Agostino Saba -- Excursus : Documentary Notes -- 1940-Present -- Albert C. Sundberg Jr. (1921-2006) -- Geoffrey M. Hahneman -- Mirella Ferrari -- Carolyn Osiek -- William Horbury -- Conclusion -- Codicology, Paleography, and Contents of Ambr. I 101 sup. -- Introduction -- Codicology of Codex Ambr. I 101 sup -- Introduction -- Provenance : Bobbio Abbey -- Excursus : Bobbio Catalogue -- Excursus : Comparative Evidence -- Physical Description, General Conditions, Appearance and Numbering of Leaves and Gatherings -- Elements of the Codex -- Quire Signatures in Ambr. I 101 sup -- Number of Lines per Page in the Muratorian Codex -- Excursus : Computus -- Tables of Contents of Codex Ambr. I 101 sup -- Monti's Two Tables of Contents in Ambr. I 101 sup -- Comparison of Two Reports of Contents of Ambr. I 101 sup. -- Paleography and Orthography of Ambr. I 101 sup -- Organizational Paratext, Ornamentation, Marginalia -- Summation -- Actual Contents of Ambr. I 101 sup -- Contents of Ambr. I 101 sup. ("Muratorian Codex") -- Discussion of the Contents of Ambr. I 101 sup -- Contents of the Muratorian Codex -- Excursus : Anonymous, Abraham's Sermon -- Pseudo-Augustine, Sermo 7 and the Sermo de Abraham -- Conclusion -- Chapter Four Latinity of the Muratorian Fragment -- Introduction -- The Fragment's Language : A Brief History of the Debate -- Latinity -- Julio Campos -- Bilingual Case for Victorinus of Pettau -- Greek Translation -- Excursus : Victorinus, Comm. Apoc. 1.7 and the Muratorian Fragment -- Victorinus, Comm. Apoc. 1.7 and MF 11. 46-63 -- Conclusion -- Medieval Manuscript Abbreviation Hypothesis -- Introduction -- Abbreviation Systems -- Major Abbreviation Symbols -- Orthography at Monte Cassino -- Hypothesis of an Abbreviated Archetype -- Hypothetical Reconstruction of the Fragment's Abbreviated Archetype -- Analysis -- Menda vera -- Scribal Training -- Summation -- Ecclesiastica disciplina -- Conclusion -- External Evidence for the Muratorian Fragment -- Introduction -- External Evidence -- The Benedictine Prologues -- Prologue Text -- English Translation -- Introduction in Monte Cassino 235 (C2) -- Analysis -- Parallels between the Benedictine Prologues and the Muratorian Fragment -- Parallels between the Muratorian Fragment and the Benedictine Prologues -- Parallels Among the Four Benedictine Prologues -- Letter Lists Across the BPs -- Adolf von Harnack -- Ambrogio Maria Amelli -- Euthalian Apparatus -- BPs, Euthalian Apparatus, Vulgate Preface to Paul's Letters -- Conclusion: Benedictine Prologues -- Chromatius of Aquileia -- MF and Chromatius on Luke -- MF and Chromatius, Tract. Mat., prologue -- Regulae fidei -- Anti-Marcionite Gospel Prologues -- Monarchian Prologues -- Lukan Prologues -- Summation -- Lukan Authorship in Four Witnesses -- Conclusion -- The Muratorian Fragment and Biblical Prologues -- Introduction -- Extent and Significance of the Parallel Texts -- Commentary -- Gospels -- Mark -- Tregelles's Discussion of Early Reconstructions of the Fragment's First Line -- Distribution of Lines Dedicated to Individual Texts Listed in the Fragment -- Luke -- John -- Excursus : Acts of Timothy -- Attestation of the Elements in the Johannine Legend -- Regula fidei -- Excursus : Diatessaron -- John -- Acts of All the Apostles -- Letters of Paul -- Excursus : "Schism of Heresy" -- Two Spurious Letters -- Laodiceans -- Alexandrians -- Jude and 2 Johannine Letters -- Wisdom of Solomon -- Three Apocalypses -- Revelation -- Apocalypse of Peter -- Shepherd of Hermas -- Periodic Reading -- Other Witnesses to the Fraternity Legend -- Liberian Catalogue -- Carmen adversus Marcionitas -- Liber Pontificalis -- Spurious Letters of Pius -- Letter to All Churches about the Date of Easter -- Letter to Justus of Vienne -- Fraternity Legend and the Shepherd of Hermas -- Excursus : We-Passages of the Muratorian Fragment -- Catalogue of Heretical Texts -- Parallel Heretical Catalogues -- Conclusion -- Star Rising in the Darkness -- Results -- Hypothetical Historical Contexts -- Arithmology and the Medieval Church -- Unification of the Church during the Fourth Century -- Heresiology -- Rufinus of Aquileia -- Chromatius of Aquileia -- Ambrosiaster -- Ambrosiaster and the Fragment : Parallel Words and Phrases -- Fragment with Structural Conjunctions Highlighted -- Excursus : Evagrius of Antioch -- Concluding Remarks -- Appendices -- Theories concerning the Authorship of the Muratorian Fragment -- Two Letters by Antonio Maria Ceriani -- Fragmentum Muratorianum Iuxta Codices Casinenses -- Muratori's Latin Introduction to the Fragment -- English Translation of Muratori's Introduction -- Sermo de Abraham (Ambr. 1101 sup., fols. 72r-73r) -- Synopsis of Reconstructions of a Hypothetical Greek Urtext -- Five Regulae Fidei ("Statements of Faith") -- Lovers Doodle of the 'Muratorian Codex' (Ambr. I 101 sup.) -- Running Headers in Ambr. I 101 sup -- Liquid Damage.
سلسلة Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 1436-3003
الشكل xx, 462 pages : color illustrations
24 cm.
اللغة الانكليزية
تأريخ حقوق الملكية الفكرية ©2022
رقم النظام 997012131648305171

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