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The Wannsee protocol

لتكبير النص لتصغير النص
العنوان The Wannsee protocol : and a 1944 report on Auschwitz by the Office of Strategic Services / John Mendelsohn, editor
Donald S. Detwiler, advisory editor
introduction by Robert Wolfe.
الطبعة Lawbook Exchange ed.
مساهم Mendelsohn, John, 1928-1986 (editor)
Detwiler, Donald S. (editor)
United States. Office of Strategic Services
(issuing body)
الناشر Clark, NJ : Lawbook Exchange
تاريخ الإصدار 2010
ملاحظات Originally published: New York : Garland Pub., 1982, as v. 11 in series The Holocaust : selected documents in eighteen volumes.
Includes bibliographical references.
رقم الرف Conference protocol of a meeting held in Berlin, am Grossen Wannsee, No. 56/58 on Jan. 20, 1942, pertaining to the "final solution" of the Jewish problem
the minutes were kept by SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Adolf Eichmann
the document is generally referred to as the Wannsee protocol
with SEA and translation
attached to the Nürnberg trial version of the document were the additional documents listed below and included in this volume -- Memorandum on "Requests and ideas of the [Foreign Office] in connection with the intended final solution of the Jewish Question in Europe," Dec. 8, 1941
with cover note and translation -- Letter from Hermann Goering to SS Gruppenfuehrer Reinhardt Heydrich directing him to make all preparations for a "total solution" of the Jewish question, July 31, 1941
with translation.
Dossier on the Madagascar Project, a plan to concentrate Europe's Jews under harsh conditions on Madagascar, which was to be transferred from French to German control, July 3-Aug. 15, 1940
with translation -- Letter from Hermann Goering to the Reich minister of the interior on emigration of Jews, Jan. 24, 1939
with translation -- Excerpt from a report for all German consular and diplomatic posts on "the Jewish question" as factor of the [foreign policy] in the year 1938, Jan. 25, 1939
with translation -- Minutes of a meeting of Amt IV B 4 (Eichmann's office) in the Reich Security Main Office on the treatment of partly Jewish persons (Mischlinge), June 3, 1942
with translation -- Dossier on the treatment of Jews of non-German nationality, Feb. 4-20, 1943
with translation -- Minutes of a meeting of Amt IV B 4 (Eichmann's office) in the Reich Security Main Office on the treatment of partly Jewish people, Oct. 27, 1942
Memo re. legal consideration on the Jewish question, Sept. 16, 1942
with translation -- Letter from the Reich minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories to various German governmental agencies on the "final solution" of the Jewish question, July 16, 1942
with translation -- Telegram from Ambassador Rintelen to Under State Secretary Luther with instructions by von Ribbentrop on the Jewish question, Aug. 28, 1942
with translation -- Summary by Luther of the German policy on the Jews, Aug. 21, 1942
with translation -- Summary of measures to be taken against partly Jewish people, June 11, 1942
with translation -- Dossier by several German agencies on the "final solution" of the Jewish question, Mar. 7-Apr. 5, 1942
with translation -- Report on the testimony of two escapees from the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp, May 10, 1945.
سلسلة The Holocaust series
v. 11
الشكل 278 pages : illustrations
29 cm.
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم النظام 990043920690205171

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