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The Western Allies and Soviet potential in World War II

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"World War II was the largest and most devastating war in modern history with far reaching consequences. The single most important campaign was the Soviet-German war, which consumed the lion share of Germany's military resources. In contrast to the tone in German and Anglo-American pre-campaign assessments, the USSR was able to repulse the invasion after huge losses and turn the table on Germany and her minor Axis allies. This book examines how the two most important Western Allies in World War II, the United States and the United Kingdom, assessed the economic and military potential of the Soviet Union in 1939-1945. Since the USSR was the single most important military contributor to the Allied victory in Europe, and the main target of Germany's military strength, these assessments are of paramount importance in order to understand how the Anglo-Americans perceived the overall war situation and adjusted their own war effort in accordance with it. Utilising a wide range of documents produced by the Anglo-Americans during and shortly before World War II, this book explores why Soviet strength was underestimated, and how the Soviet economic system, Soviet society and military capabilities were viewed by Western Government observers. The Western Allies and Soviet Potential in World War Two is a fascinating read for those in academia studying economic history, international economics and security studies, especially areas on military and strategic"--Provided by publisher.

العنوان The Western Allies and Soviet potential in World War II : economy, society, and military power / Martin Kahn.
عنوان بديل Western Allies and Soviet potential in World War Two
الناشر London
New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
تاريخ الإصدار 2017
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references (pages 321-332) and index.
رقم الرف Introduction: General background
War potential and the general purpose of this study -- The Anglo-American assessments in a wider context -- The Soviet Union and the West : the pre-war experience and international great power politics before World War II -- From the guarantee to Poland to the Molotov-Ribbentropp pact -- U.S. pre-Barbarossa assessments -- The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and its consequences -- The Soviet-Finnish winter war -- Assessments running up to Barbarossa -- Trying to explain the assessments and compare them with reality -- The beginning of Soviet-German war : assessments during Operation Barbarossa -- The first turning point of the war : the Soviet winter offensive -- The spring, the coming of summer and continued worries -- The first year of the Soviet-German war : how realistic were the assessments? -- The German summer offensive and Soviet prospects -- The Anglo-American assessments in the context of the possibility to establish a second front in 1942 -- The autumn assessments and the Battle of Stalingrad -- From Stalingrad to Kursk -- The 1943 cross-channel attack that never was and the "90-division gamble" -- The Red Army's first major push to the west -- The final phase of the war : from Operation Bagration to the surrender of Germany (and the campaign against Japan) -- Assessments compared to reality during the last period of the war -- The assessments of war potential and material aid to USSR -- A comment on the assessments in the context of the early Cold War -- Conclusion.
سلسلة Routledge explorations in economic history
الشكل x, 345 pages
24 cm.
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم النظام 990041285880205171

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