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Heretics and heresies in the ancient church and in Eastern Christianity

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العنوان Heretics and heresies in the ancient church and in Eastern Christianity : studies in honour of Adelbert Davids / edited by Joseph Verheyden & Herman Teule.
مساهم Verheyden, Joseph, 1957-
Teule, Herman G. B.
الناشر Leuven : Peeters
تاريخ الإصدار 2011
ملاحظات Festschrift.
Originally published as volume 60 of The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
12 English, 5 German, 2 French contributions.
Genre Festschriften
رقم الرف Preface / Herman Teule, Joseph Verheyden -- Adelbert Davids, scholar of the unexpected detail / Peter Nissen -- Heresy and the early Christian notion of tradition / Boudewijn Dehandschutter -- Christian martyrs outside the Catholic Church / Anthony Hilhorst -- Heracleon and the hermeneutics of prepositions : interpreting 'EN / Annewies van den Heok -- the Ophites and the "Ophite" diagram in Celsus and Origen / Fred Ledegang -- The Ebionites as depicted in the Pseudo-Clementine novel / Jaap van Amersfoort -- Incomprehensibility, ineffability and untranslatability : the poverty of language and the abundance of heresy in fourth-century Greek Patristic thought / Kristoffel Demoen -- Preaching and the Arian controversy : orthodoxy and heresy in Gregory of Nyssa's sermons / Johan Leemans -- Epiphanius of Salamis on beasts and heretics : some introductory comments / Joseph Verheyden -- Aspekte der Ketzerverfolgung unter den römischen Kaisern bis Justinian / Daniela Müller -- Les Capita X de duplici voluntate domini attribués à Maxime le Confesseur, CPG 7697, 25 / Peter Van Deun -- Les vocables perfidus et perfidia et leur application aux juifs dans la chrétienté latine des premiers siècles / Antoon A.R. Bastiaensen -- Rules of interpretation issued against the heretics, CPL 560 / Martien Parmentier -- Die Invektiven gegen Nestorius und seine Häresie in Cassianus' De incarnatione / Gerard Bartelink -- Gîwargîs von Kaphrā und sein christologischer Brief an Mînā : ein Beitrag zum "Nestorianismus" des 7. Jahrhunderts / Dietmar W. Winkler -- Häresie, Schisma und Apostasie in den Kirchenrechtsquellen der orientalischen Kirchen / Hubert Kaufhold -- Christian spiritual sources in Barhebraeus' Ethicon and the Book of the dove / Herman Teule -- Gnostische Remniniszenzen in der russischen Geisteswelt der Moderne / Fedor B. Poljakov -- Anti-Judaism in the present-day Byzantine liturgy / Bert Groen.
سلسلة Eastern Christian studies
v. 10
الشكل viii, 395 pages : ill., port
24 cm.
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم النظام 990031565800205171

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