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A series of essays explains what Judaism is, the history of the religion and its people, the beliefs and traditions of the religion, and challenges facing Judaism and Jews today.

العنوان Judaism / Adriane Ruggiero, book editor.
مساهم Ruggiero, Adriane
الناشر Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven Press
تاريخ الإصدار c2006
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references (p. 215-217) and index.
رقم الرف Foreword -- Introduction -- People, a Place, a Faith: What Is Judaism? / Hayim Halevy Donin -- Judaism is a broad term denoting the civilization of the Jewish people, their faith, their perceived purpose as believers, as well as their rites and sacred literature -- Ancient Hebrews: A Historian's View / Norman F. Cantor -- Although the ancient Hebrews left no great cities or monuments, their belief that God had chosen them as his own people is a unique contribution to civilization -- Bible as Divine Revelation/F.E. Peters -- Judaism, like Christianity and Islam, is a scriptural religion. All affirm the existence of God's revelation in written form -- Concept of a Homeland / Oscar I. Janowsky -- Key ingredient of Judaism is its identification with the land of Israel -- Basic Beliefs of Judaism: Oneness-of God / Milton Steinberg --
Judaism was the first religion to proclaim the oneness of a transcendent and unknowable God whose presence can be felt in the daily lives of ordinary humans -- Covenant Between God and the Hebrews -- From the Book of Exodus -- Book of Exodus describes how God made an agreement or covenant between himself and the Hebrews through Moses -- Love Thy Neighbor as /Jacob Neusner -- Judaism demands that its adherents study the Torah and fulfill its commandments first and foremost. This means obeying the will of God, imitating God, and living a life that glorifies him -- Role of Prayer / David S. Ariel -- In Judaism, prayer is not only one of the commandments but also provides a sense of belonging and serves as an affirmation of one's Jewishness. There are many types of prayer in Judaism -- Rites, Rituals, and the Sacredness of Time -- Keeping the Sabbath / Francine Klagsbrun --
God's commandment to the Israelites to observe a day of rest and keep it holy is one of the cornerstones of Jewish belief and practice -- Feast of Passover / Ira Steingroot -- Passover commemorates the escape of the Israelites from Egypt as told in the book of Exodus in the Bible -- Living Kosher / Joseph Grunblatt -- Kosher is a Hebrew word meaning "fit" or "proper." By following laws about food and its preparation, or "keeping kosher," observant Jews impart spirituality to their everyday lives-- Bar and Bat Mitzvah / Linda Burghardt -- Bar/bat mitzvah ceremony marks the child's coming-of-age and his or her admission into the community of those who observe the commandments -- Interpreting, Preserving, and Evolving: Rabbi as Necessary Teacher / George Robinson -- Rabbi can lead worship services, decide on questions of practice, and marry a couple, but cannot intercede with God on behalf of the congregation -- Talmud /Harry Gersh --
Talmud (from the Hebrew word for "study" or "teach") is the complex body of discussions on Jewish law, ethics, and customs built up over a period of seven hundred years -- Moses Mendelssohn: Famous Thinker / Shira Schoenberg -- German-born Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) was the leader of Jewish emancipation from political and social discrimination -- I and Thou / Martin Buber -- Martin Buber (1878-1965) was one of the most important Jewish philosophers of the twentieth century -- Challenges Facing Jews Today: Marriage between Jews and Non-Jews / Samuel G. Freedman -- Interfaith marriage is one of the most serious challenges facing Judaism. The major denominations of Judaism-Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform--have formulated ways of confronting this challenge to Jewish identity -- Women and Judaism: Reform Rabbi Speaks / Malka Drucker -- Reform Judaism has made gender equality one of the main components of its movement --
It was the first movement in Judaism to ordain women as rabbis -- Future of Conservative Judaism / Clifford E. Librach -- Conservative Judaism inhabits the middle ground of Jewish denominations. It promotes an evolutionary Judaism that meets the social and political challenges of the twenty-first century -- Expressing a Jewish Identity: Current Trends / G. Jeffrey MacDonald -- As American Judaism celebrates its 350th anniversary, young American Jews follow a variety of paths toward greater identification with and observance of their faith -- Support for Israel / Dan Ephron -- Support for the State of Israel is one of the most important aspects of Judaism. In recent years North American Jews have helped Israel maintain its Jewish ethnicity by emigrating -- Glossary -- Chronology -- For Further Research -- Index.
سلسلة Religions and religious movements
الشكل 224 pages : ill., map
23 cm.
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم النظام 990027654370205171

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