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Shared history, divided memory

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  • كتاب
العنوان Shared history, divided memory : Jews and others in Soviet-occupied Poland, 1939-1941 / Elazar Barkan, Elizabeth A. Cole, Kai Struve (editors).
مساهم Barkan, Elazar
Cole, Elizabeth A.
Struve, Kai
Simon-Dubnow-Institut für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur
الناشر Leipzig : Simon-Dubnow-Institut für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur e.V
Leipziger Universitätsverlag
تاريخ الإصدار 2007
ملاحظات Papers from two conferences held in Leipzig in 2003 and 2005.
Includes bibliographical references.
رقم الرف Eastern experience and western memory : 1939-1941 as a paradigm of European memory conflicts / Kai Struve -- Anti-Polish and pro-Soviet? : 1939-1941 and the stereotyping of the Jew in Polish historiography / Joanna B. Michlic -- Competing victimhoods : post-Soviet Ukrainian narratives on World War II / Wilfried Jilge -- Western Belarus in September 1939 : revisiting Polish-Jewish relations in the kresy / Marek Wierzbicki -- Resistance 1939-1941 : the Polish underground under Soviet occupation and the Jews / Rafał Wnuk -- Victims 1939-1941 : the Soviet repressions in Eastern Poland / Grzegorz Hryciuk -- "Contact zones" in interethnic relations : the case of Western Belarus, 1939-1941 / Evgenii S. Rozenblat -- Was there a "Jewish collaboration" under Soviet occupation? : a case study from the Baranowicze region / Alexander Brakel -- "Only the Jews do not waver--" : L'viv under Soviet occupation / Christoph Mick -- The palace on the Ikva : Dubne, September 18th, 1939 and June 24th, 1941 / Marco Carynnyk -- Anti-Jewish pogroms in Western Ukraine : a research agenda / Dieter Pohl -- Pogroms in northeastern Poland : spontaneous reactions and German instigations / Andrzej Żbikowski -- Lithuania in summer 1941 : the German invasion and the Kaunas pogrom / Christoph Dieckmann.
سلسلة Leipziger Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur
Bd. 5
الشكل 390 pages : map
24 cm.
هذا جزء من Leipziger Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur yr:2007 no:5
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم النظام 990026967670205171

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