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Sephardic Jewry and Mizrahi Jews

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العنوان Sephardic Jewry and Mizrahi Jews / edited by Peter Y Medding.
مساهم Medding, Peter
Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry
الناشر Oxford : Published for the Institute by Oxford University Press
تاريخ الإصدار 2007
ملاحظات "The Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, the Herbrew University of Jerusalem."
Includes bibliographical references.
رقم الرف Symposium : Sephardic Jewry and Mizrahi Jews. "Sephardic and Oriental" : Jews in Israel and western countries : migration, social change, and identification / Sergio DellaPergola
Jews of Muslim lands in the modern period : history and historiography / Michel Abitbol
The brief career of Prosper Cohen : a sectorial analysis of the North African Jewish leadership in the early years of Israeli statehood / Yaron Tsur
From Arab diaspora to Eretz Israel : literary portraits of Mizrahi female immigrants in the 1940s and 1950s / Doli Benhabib
The Sephardic Halakhic tradition in the 20th century / Zvi Zohar
"Zikui harabim" : Ovadia Yosef's approach toward religious activism and his place in the Haredi movement within Mizrahi Jewry / Nissim Leon
Studying Haredi Mizrahim in Israel : trends, achievements, and challenges / Kimmy Caplan
Breaking their silence : Mizrahi women and the Israeli feminist movement / Henriette Dahan Kalev
Conditional homelands and diasporas : Moroccan Jewish perspectives / Andre Levy
Sephardic/Mizrahi/Arab-Jews : reflections on critical sociology and the study of Middle Eastern Jewries within the context of Israeli society / Harvey E. Goldberg and Chen Bram -- Review essays. The shaping of Israeli historiography / Dan Michman
The Rabin assassination : looking back at a national trauma / Gerald Cromer -- Book reviews. Antisemitism, Holocaust, and genocide
Biography, history, and the social sciences
Language, literature, and the arts
Religion, thought, and education
Zionism, Israel, and the Middle East.
سلسلة Studies in contemporary Jewry
الشكل xvi, 345 pages : ill
25 cm.
هذا جزء من Studies in contemporary Jewry. no:22
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم النظام 990026112270205171

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