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The life story of Chaim Hirszman

لتكبير النص لتصغير النص
العنوان The life story of Chaim Hirszman : remembrance of the Holocaust and reflections on postwar Polish-Jewish relations.
هذا جزء من Yad Vashem Studies 34 (2006) 219-247
الوصف Hirszman, a Jew born in 1912 and one of two known survivors of Bełżec, was murdered in his apartment in Lublin in 1946. Traditionally, Polish historiography interprets this murder as politically motivated, since Hirszman's last job was with the UB, the postwar communist political police which, inter alia, persecuted former members of the Armia Krajowa. However, details of the murder cast doubts on this interpretation. Reconstructs Hirszman's biography. After his escape from a Nazi transport, Hirszman joined the communist Armia Ludowa, and after the Soviet liberation of Lublin he was drafted into the UB. Notes that the antisemitic Armia Krajowa refused to accept Jews during the war and thus pushed them to join the Armia Ludowa
it was only natural that, after the war, these Jews continued to work for the communist power apparatus. Despite this, the number of Jews in the UB was not excessive. Notes that the Armia Ludowa was also not free of antisemitism, and that Hirszman probably left the UB because of bad work relations. The investigation of his murder was slow, and only one of his murderers was sentenced to a prison term. (From the Bibliography of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
In Hebrew:
יד ושם
קובץ מחקרים לד (תשסו).
اللغة الانكليزية
الإعتمادات באדיבות יש ושם – רשות הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה Courtesy of Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center
رقم النظام 990004464210705171
קישורים Rosetta Digital Object

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באדיבות יש ושם – רשות הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה Courtesy of Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center

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