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The Bible code

لتكبير النص لتصغير النص

For three thousand years a code in the Bible has remained hidden. Now it has been unlocked by computer - and it may reveal our future. The code was broken by an Israeli mathematician, who presented the proof in a major science journal, and it has been confirmed by famous mathematicians around the world. This book is the first full account of a scientific discovery that may change the world, told by a skeptical secular reporter who became part of the story. The three-thousand-year-old Bible code foretells events that happened thousands of years after the Bible was written. It foresaw both Kennedy assassinations, the Oklahoma City bombing, the election of Bill Clinton - everything from World War II to Watergate, from the Holocaust to Hiroshima, from the Moon landing to the collision of a comet with Jupiter. ; In a few dramatic cases detailed predictions were found in advance - and the events than happened exactly as predicted. The date the Gulf War would begin was found weeks before the war started. The date of the Jupiter collision was found months before the blast. The book is based on Drosnin's five-year investigation. The author interviewed all the experts, here and abroad. He spent many weeks with the world-class mathematician who discovered the code, Dr. Eliyahu Rips, and he met with famous mathematicians at Harvard, Yale, and Hebrew University. He talked to a senior code-breaker at the top secret U.S. National Security Agency, who confirmed that there is a code in the Bible that does reveal the future. No one yet knows if the Bible code accurately foretells what is yet to come. But the code may be a warning to this world of unprecedented danger, perhaps the real Apocalypse, a nuclear World War. ; In any event, the Bible code forces us to accept what the Bible itself can only ask us to believe - that we are not alone. And it raises a question for us all - does the code describe an inevitable future, or a series of possible futures whose ultimate outcome we can still decide?

العنوان The Bible code / Michael Drosnin.
الناشر London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson
تاريخ الإصدار 1997
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references and index.
رقم الرف 1. The Bible Code -- 2. Atomic Holocaust -- 3. All His People to War -- 4. The Sealed Book -- 5. The Recent Past -- 6. Armageddon -- 7. Apocalypse -- 8. The Final Days.
الشكل 264 pages : ill
24 cm.
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم النظام 990030173590205171

תנאי השימוש:

حظر النسخ

قد يُحظر نسخ المادة واستخدامها للنشر، التوزيع، الأداء العلنيّ، البثّ، إتاحة المادة للجمهور على الإنترنت أو بوسائل أخرى، إنتاج عمل مشتقّ من المادة (على سبيل المثال، ترجمة العمل وتعديله أو معالجته)، بصيغة إلكترونية أو آلية، من دون الحصول على إذن مسبق من مالك حقوق التأليف والنشر ومن مالكي المجموعة.

لاستيضاح إمكانية استخدام المادة، يرجى ملء استمارة الاستفسار عن حقوق التأليف والنشر

معلومات إضافية:

قد تكون المادة خاضعة لحقوق التأليف والنشر و/ أو شروط اتفاقية.

إذا كنت تعتقد/ين أنّه قد وقع خطأ في المعطيات الواردة أعلاهُ، أو أنّك تعتقد/ين أنّ هناك انتهاكًا لحقوق التأليف والنشر بشأن هذه المادة، فيرجى التوجُّه إلينا من خلال الاستمارة التالية.


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