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Der novaredker sheyvet typescript with handwritten notes inserted by Chaim Grade and other unidentified editors

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Typed Yiddish manuscript, chapters 1-6, with a note at the beginning from Grade : "On the eve of Yom-Kippur, 5712 (1951), I published (in Kempfer) an essay titled My Quarrel with Hersh Rasseyner, which is a kind of epilogue to my novella Der Novaredker Sheyvet (The Tribe of Novarodok) - about the life and the philosophy of the Novarodek Musarniks. The piece which I am publishing now is the first part of the 'Tribe of Novarodok.'

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Reference Code
ARC. 4* 1707 02 158
Typed Yiddish manuscript, chapters 1-6, with a note at the beginning from Grade : "On the eve of Yom-Kippur, 5712 (1951), I published (in Kempfer) an essay titled My Quarrel with Hersh Rasseyner, which is a kind of epilogue to my novella Der Novaredker Sheyvet (The Tribe of Novarodok) - about the life and the philosophy of the Novarodek Musarniks. The piece which I am publishing now is the first part of the 'Tribe of Novarodok.'
Der novaredker sheyvet typescript with handwritten notes inserted by Chaim Grade and other unidentified editors.
Additional Titles
דער נאווארעדקער שבֿט (Der Novaredker sheyvet
"The Novardok Tribe")
Reference in YIVO: BOX 2 FOL 3
Host Item
ארכיון חיים גראדע.
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ארכיון חיים גראדה בבעלות משותפת של הספרייה הלאומית וייווא, ניו יורק. Hayim Grade archive owned jointly by YIVO and the National Library of Israel
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Der novaredker sheyvet typescript with handwritten notes inserted by Chaim Grade and other unidentified editors, 1947-2006, סימול ARC. 4* 1707 02 158, ארכיון חיים גראדע..


ארכיון חיים גראדה בבעלות משותפת של הספרייה הלאומית וייווא, ניו יורק. Hayim Grade archive owned jointly by YIVO and the National Library of Israel

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