The NLI Parking Lot

Library address:

The entrance to the paid NLI parking lot is at #36 Ruppin Road (Derech Ruppin)


Parking Rates:

First 15 minutes free

First hour of parking: 16

Every additional 15 minutes or part thereof: 4 

Parking price for a whole day: 64

Entry after 16:00 until closing: 20


NLI Parking Lot Operating Hours:

Sunday - Thursday: 6:30 am - 11:30 pm

Friday and holiday eve: 6:30 am - 2 pm

Saturday and holidays: closed


Additional Parking Options:

There is also parking available at several adjacent locations:

"Blue & White" parking spaces can be found on Kaplan Street, Ruppin Road, Sderot HaMuze'onim, Shmuel Stephan Weiz Street.

 HaLe'om Parking is also nearby.