Announcements and Updates

Announcements and Updates

Extension of Reading Hall Opening Hours

Following conversations with Jerusalem Municipality representatives, the Library is extending its opening hours during the semester break.

This is relevant for Mondays and Wednesdays during the period between February 2 and March 19.

On these days the reading halls will be open from 9 am to 10 pm.

Other Library services will continue operating according to their normal schedules.

Entering the Reading Halls

Entry to the reading halls is only permitted to those in possession of a library card.

This is to ensure that that that we maintain a quiet space for study and to help us preserve the items in our collections.

You can obtain a digital library card by registering on our website. Afterwards, you can approach our circulation desk to receive a digital or physical library card along with instructions on reading hall regulations.

If you are already registered, you may already approach the circulation desk to request your library card. You can find more details here.