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Reference Code
Application submitted in Vienna (Austria), 10.5.1938
Applicant: Schwarz, Jochewed
born 28.6.1875 in Trembowla
Co-applicant (1): Schwarz, Mojzes Leib (son)
born 11.6.1907 in Kopyczynce
Co-applicant (2): Schwarz, Dora (daughter)
born 15.1.1914 in Kopyczynce
Co-applicant (3): Schwarz, Karl (son)
born 26.6.1916 in Vienna (Austria)
Relatives & friends abroad (1): Feldschuh, Adolf in Woodhaven, New York (N.Y.) (cousin)
Relatives & friends abroad (2): Kaufmann, Jaques in Tel Aviv-Yafo (Israel) (cousin)
Relatives & friends abroad (3): Greenberg, Philipp in Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) (friend)
Relatives & friends abroad (4): Bardowitz, Jonas in Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) (friend)
Relatives & friends abroad (5): Kohn, Josef in New York (N.Y.) (friend)
Host Item
Vienna - Jewish Community
Access Rights
Former Call Number
QU4371 original no. of application IKG Wien
Level of Description
Item Record
National Library system number

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When using this material, please acknowledge the source of the material as follows:
Bardowitz, Jonas, ; Feldschuh, Adolf, ; Greenberg, Philipp, ; Kaufmann, Jaques, ; Kohn, Josef, ; Schwarz, Dora, ; Schwarz, Jochewed, ; Schwarz, Karl, ; Schwarz, Mojzes Leib,, Applicant: Schwarz, Jochewed; born 28.6.1875 in Trembowla; widowed, Application submitted in Vienna (Austria), 10.5.1938, סימול A-W-2589.11.355, Vienna - Jewish Community.