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Lettre signée Coffin au général Bonaparte

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4 pp., large folio (44x29,5cm); handwritten in French;;Letter written and signed Coffin, on 8 Vendemiaire an 7 [29.9.1798], Ajaccio (Corsica); giving his title as Consul Général of the French republic in Sardinia retired in Ajaccio due to constant conflicts with S.M. Sarde [Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia]; Coffin addresses his letter to Bonaparte, Général en chef de l'armée d'Orient, upon his arrival to Ajaccio from Egypt; bringing him up to date Coffin sends information on main events occured during Bonaparte's year absence; Congress of Rastatt (1797-); Military conscription in France, unprepared, unequipped and not thought out by the Executive Directory; Declarations of War to the King of Naples and King of Sardinia and consequences; Military and political changes and appointments; Account on Ferdinand King of Naples and admiral Nelson's arrival from Palermo, and widespread reprisals and executions of republican sympathizers in Naples that followed; and Royalism not yet through in some french departments.;[Coffin, Antoine-François-Constantin, was nomminated Consul General at Cagliari (Sardinia) on 14.6.1798];

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ARC. Ms. Var. Yah. 2 2 1013
4 pp., large folio (44x29,5cm); handwritten in French;;Letter written and signed Coffin, on 8 Vendemiaire an 7 [29.9.1798], Ajaccio (Corsica); giving his title as Consul Général of the French republic in Sardinia retired in Ajaccio due to constant conflicts with S.M. Sarde [Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia]; Coffin addresses his letter to Bonaparte, Général en chef de l'armée d'Orient, upon his arrival to Ajaccio from Egypt; bringing him up to date Coffin sends information on main events occured during Bonaparte's year absence; Congress of Rastatt (1797-); Military conscription in France, unprepared, unequipped and not thought out by the Executive Directory; Declarations of War to the King of Naples and King of Sardinia and consequences; Military and political changes and appointments; Account on Ferdinand King of Naples and admiral Nelson's arrival from Palermo, and widespread reprisals and executions of republican sympathizers in Naples that followed; and Royalism not yet through in some french departments.;[Coffin, Antoine-François-Constantin, was nomminated Consul General at Cagliari (Sardinia) on 14.6.1798];
Lettre signée Coffin au général Bonaparte.
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Napoleon and his Time
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Lettre signée Coffin au général Bonaparte, [1798], סימול ARC. Ms. Var. Yah. 2 2 1013, Napoleon and his Time.
      1. Lettre signée Coffin au général Bonaparte