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A selection of modern Italian poetry in translation [electronic resource]

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Payne pays particular attention to poets of the fifties and sixties, futurists, and female poets. She notes that the futurists, who have rarely been translated, were particularly important as they were truly original, attempting to develop new notions of word, line, sound, and phrase. Such new notions make translating them particularly challenging. She also offers a large sampling from poets of the fifties and sixties, many of whom have won the Viareggio Prize. Poems by women in this volume reflect diverse schools and directions while maintaining a distinctly female voice.

Title A selection of modern Italian poetry in translation [electronic resource] / [edited and translated by] Roberta L. Payne.
Publisher Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press
Creation Date c2004
Notes Edited and translated by Roberta L. Payne.
Includes bibliographical references (page [201]).
Content Pages:1 to 25
Pages:26 to 50
Pages:51 to 75
Pages:76 to 100
Pages:101 to 125
Pages:126 to 150
Pages:151 to 175
Pages:176 to 200
Pages:201 to 224
Extent 1 online resource (224 pages)
Language English
National Library system number 997010708249405171

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