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Autobiographical interviews of Jews born in German speaking countries ("Yekkes") - 50/60 years after their immigration to Israel

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המדור לתיעוד בעל פה של מכון המחקר ליהדות זמננו ע"ש אברהם הרמן באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים

Born 11/30/1901, Czarmikau. Engineer for Osram in Berlin. Emigration to Palestine 1933. Work for an electricity company in Tel Aviv. Interview: Literary interest. Occupation in Germany, Osram 1928- 1933. 1933 all Jews in the major industry were fired. Emigration: Palestine with the first wave of immigrants from Germany. Found work for an electric company immediately. Episode about Osram. His German in comparison to the German language on TV. Son was raised in German, rejects Yiddish. Lack of talent to learn a language. Son married a woman from India, the family language is English. About his son's schooling (University in Germany). Visits to Germany while his son was there. Relationship with his son. About his son and his grandchildren. Father: was independent salesman in Prussia, one of two Jewish royal Prussian lottery collectors. Unhappy childhood. Episode. Suicidal thoughts. Lost his home land 2 times, his village became part of Poland. The family left, did not want to be Polish. Berlin. Many relatives died. Who remained in Poland was taken to Auschwitz. Time in Berlin. Considers himself an atheist. Emigrated with a tourist visa. November 5th 1933 night train to Munich - Trieste. On the train he met his later wife. Episode about meeting her. Arrival to Jaffa, went to Haifa. Episodes about how he met his wife again and their first time together. Beginnings in the new country. His wife went back to Germany to get her parents out. They came to Palestine, were very rich. ; Moved from Tel Aviv to Haifa. About his wife's family. About his son's family. Daughter in law enters the conversation: her education. About his circle of friends and friends in Germany. Numerous visits to Germany. Episodes. About his name, hobbies, Judaism and heritage. His personal believe. The negative influence of Religion on people. Rejects religion. Episodes. Problems with orthodox Jews in politics.

Title Autobiographical interviews of Jews born in German speaking countries ("Yekkes") - 50/60 years after their immigration to Israel.
Additional Titles יהודים ילידי ארצות דוברות גרמנית - 50 שנה לאחר גירושם ועלייתם לארץ.
Contributors הקר, קריסטינה OHD (מראיין)
Hecker, Kristine OHD (interviewer)
שרון, זיגמר OHD (מרואיין)
המדור לתיעוד בעל פה של מכון המחקר ליהדות זמננו ע"ש אברהם הרמן באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים
(בעלים נוכחיים)
Creation Date 1990
Notes המדור לתיעוד בעל פה של מכון המחקר ליהדות זמננו ע"ש אברהם הרמן באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים (234)100
Language German
Credits המדור לתיעוד בעל פה של מכון המחקר ליהדות זמננו ע"ש אברהם הרמן באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים
National Library system number 990044225510205171

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המדור לתיעוד בעל פה של מכון המחקר ליהדות זמננו ע"ש אברהם הרמן באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים

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