Help us build the Global Jewish COVID-19 Archive!

Help us build the Global Jewish COVID-19 Archive!

Please fill in your email address below and drop any digital materials related to how the pandemic has impacted Jewish life and communities where you are or anywhere around the globe.

We're collecting pretty much anything that fits that description. Things like ads, instructions and emails for socially distanced activities and events; synagogue notices; contemporary prayers and sermons; holiday greetings; community Whatsapp messages; games for children; information about online educational and cultural programs and more. See below for a few examples of things people have sent us.

We all hope that COVID-19 will soon be history.

In the meantime, please help us continue to build the Global Jewish COVID-19 Archive, so that looking back, we'll have a better understanding of how the Jewish community responded and got through these complex times.

For more information and to forward emails or send items via email: [email protected]

Thank you from the National Library of Israel!

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