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Soviet reactions to the Eichmann trial

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Title Soviet reactions to the Eichmann trial : a preliminary investigation 1960-1965.
Additional Titles Реакция на процесс Эйхмана в Советском Союзе : попытка предварительного анализа 1960-1965 годы
Original Library/publisher Yad Vashem Studies. Jerusalem
Яд Вашем
исследования. Иерусалим
Host Item Yad Vashem Studies 35,2 (2007) 103-141
Description The Soviet official press reported on the Eichmann trial - its preparatory stage, the hearings, Eichmann's appeal and his execution. Thereby, the Soviet media was reporting to its readers about events of the Holocaust, and was also telling its Jewish readers about the Jewish collective past. However, the inimical attitude of the Soviet leadership to the State of Israel, its reluctance to emphasize the sufferings of Jews during World War II, and most of all, the official myth that was taking shape according to which it was the Soviet people (identified by readers and journalists with ethnic Russians) who were victimized most of all, caused distortion of the facts in the representation of the trial by the Soviet media. It was during this period that the Soviet allegations of an Israeli-West German scheme to ascribe all the Nazi crimes against the Jews to one man (Eichmann) and to exonerate the rulers of West Germany began to give way to the myth of Zionist-Nazi collaboration. (From the Bibliography of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Appeared in Russian as "Реакция на процесс Эйхмана в Советском Союзе: попытка предварительного анализа, 1960-1965 годы" in "Яд Вашем
исследования" 1 (2009) 193-232.
In Hebrew:
"יד ושם
קובץ מחקרים" לה,2 (תשסז) 91-122
Language English
Credits באדיבות יש ושם – רשות הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה Courtesy of Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center
National Library system number 990004622210705171
Links Rosetta Digital Object

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