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Jewish defendants in German and Polish courts in the Warsaw district, 1939-1942

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Title Jewish defendants in German and Polish courts in the Warsaw district, 1939-1942.
Original Library/publisher Prowincja noc
życie i zagłada Żydów w dystrykcie warszawskim. Pod redakcją Barbary Engelking, Jacka Leociaka i Dariusza Libionki. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, 2007
Host Item Yad Vashem Studies 35,1 (2007) 49-80
Description Under the Nazi occupation, the German courts installed in the Generalgouvernement were preoccupied with violations of wartime regulations and other actions seen as "threatening to the Reich", while Polish courts heard regular criminal or civil cases. Violations of wartime regulations included living on the "Aryan side" illegally, not wearing the Jewish armband, black market transactions, etc. Bringing examples from cases in the Warsaw district (including Warsaw, Otwock, Siedlce, Grodzisk, and other towns), shows that sentences of Jews by German courts became increasingly harsher from 1939-42. Death sentences became routine, and in 1942 the Warsaw "Sondergericht" pronounced 20-30 death sentences on Jews at one session. In criminal cases, the Polish courts did not show visible bias
however, in civil cases they served as a formidable medium to expropriate the Jews and to seize Jewish property. After the deportations of July-September 1942, the legal system of the Warsaw district ceased to deal with Jewish cases. (From the Bibliography of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
A Polish version appeared as "Żydzi przed obliczem niemieckich i polskich sądów w dystrykcie warsczawskim Generalnego Gubernatorstwa, 1939-1942" in "Prowincja noc" (2007) 75-117.
English and Hebrew.
Language English
Credits באדיבות יש ושם – רשות הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה Courtesy of Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center
National Library system number 990004561190705171
Links Rosetta Digital Object

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