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Hitler's role in the "Final Solution"

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Title Hitler's role in the "Final Solution".
Original Library/publisher Storia della Shoah
la crisi dell'Europa, lo sterminio degli ebrei e la memoria del XX secolo. Vol. I. A cura di Marina Cattaruzza [et al.]. Torino: UTET Libreria, 2005
la crisi dell'Europa, lo sterminio degli ebrei e la memoria del XX secolo. Vol. II: La distruzione degli ebrei. A cura di Marina Cattaruzza [et al.]. Torino: UTET Libreria, 2006
Host Item Yad Vashem Studies 34 (2006) 7-43
Description Argues that Hitler's role was decisive and indispensable to the unfolding of the Final Solution. Hitler's obsession with the "Jewish question" (in recorded political statements from 1919 on), especially with the idea that the Jews were guilty of unleashing the two world wars, excludes the theory that the radicalization of Nazi policy toward the Jews from 1939 to 1945 could have taken place without the Führer's orders. Dwells on Hitler's "prophecy" of 30 January 1939 - far from being a rhetorical phrase, it provided a guideline for action and was often referred to and quoted by Nazi leaders who determined the course of the genocide of the Jews. Surveys works of historians dealing with the origins of the Final Solution, criticizing the functionalist approach which, inter alia, dismisses Hitler's role in making the crucial decision and in defining the policy of mass murder of Jews. (From the Bibliography of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
An Italian version appeared as "Il ruolo di Hitler nell'Olocausto" in "Storia della Shoah" I (2005) 525-551, and in the compact version: "Storia della Shoah
la crisi dell'Europa, lo sterminio degli ebrei e la memoria del XX secolo. Vol. II" (2006) 75-105.
In Hebrew:
"יד ושם
קובץ מחקרים" לד (תשסו) 5-34
Language English
Credits באדיבות יש ושם – רשות הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה Courtesy of Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center
National Library system number 990004464160705171
Links Rosetta Digital Object

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