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Jewish Holocaust commemoration activity in the USSR under Stalin

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Title Jewish Holocaust commemoration activity in the USSR under Stalin.
Additional Titles Деятельность евреев по увековечению памяти о Холокосте в Советском Союзе в эпоху Сталина
Original Library/publisher Yad Vashem Studies. Jerusalem
Яд Вашем
исследования. Иерусалим
Host Item Yad Vashem Studies 30 (2002) 271-295
Description In the first postwar decades, Jewish religious communities in the USSR took the initiative to commemorate victims of the Holocaust. Forms of commemoration included memorial assemblies, fundraising for monuments, and erection of monuments at sites of mass murders. In most cases the Soviet authorities, either local municipalities or the central Council for Religious Affairs, opposed these activities, seeing them (quite correctly) as expressions of Jewish nationalist sentiment. Remarkably, in the Baltic countries, Soviet authorities were often more favorably disposed to Holocaust commemoration than in Ukraine or Belarus. In some cases community activists conducted a protracted struggle (e.g. in Berdichev, a 15-year-long one) for the right to commemorate Jewish victims of the Nazi genocide. Holocaust commemoration became a unifying factor across broad Jewish social strata, clashing with the authorities' "atomization" policy regarding the Jews. (From the Bibliography of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Appeared in Russian as "Деятельность евреев по увековечению памяти о Холокосте в Советском Союзе в эпоху Сталина" in "Яд Вашем
исследования" 1 (2009) 171-192.
In Hebrew:
"יד ושם
קובץ מחקרים" ל (תשסב) 221-240
Language English
Credits באדיבות יש ושם – רשות הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה Courtesy of Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center
National Library system number 990003832100705171
Links Rosetta Digital Object

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