

The Library Catalog

The online catalog of the National Library provides the tools to retrieve material which can be found in our collections. The catalog bring together a wide variety of Library resources. It is also possible to limit the search to a specific collection. The interface languages ​​are English, Hebrew and Arabic. Materials in the Hebrew, Arabic, Cyrillic or Latin alphabets can be retrieved using any interface.

To facilitate the search, one may filter for: keywords, author names, subjects, publishers, system numbers and more (the Library of Congress method of classification [LC] is used by the National Library of Israel as well).

There are a variety of advanced search options available. Search results can be sent directly to an e-mail address.

Enter the Library catalogHow to use the Library catalog?

Note: The old catalog interface (Merhav) is still accessible here.

Union List of Israel – ULI

The Union List of Israel (ULI) is a public online catalog containing approximately 9 million bibliographic records. The records in ULI are based on the catalogs of the leading research libraries in Israel, including all university libraries, most college libraries, as well as some other major libraries.

Most of the records in the catalog describe classic library materials i.e., books, journals, theses and other print and electronic publications. However, it also contains records for other material types such as audio and video recordings, music scores, maps and more. ULI allows users to locate holdings of all member libraries and connect to the local library catalogs, where they can check the availability and location of an item.

ULI is managed by the National Library of Israel (NLI). Records from the member libraries are automatically sent to NLI where they are ingested and processed to create preferred records for each resource.

To search ULI

For more information on ULI (in Hebrew)

Bibliographic Databases

Bibliographic databases contain bibliographic records with analytical content. This is contrary to the catalogs of libraries that contain, usually, descriptions of items.

These databases usually focus on a particular field of knowledge, and contain various types of publications: books, magazines, newspapers, reports and more. 

RAMBI – The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies – was founded by Dr. Issachar Joel in 1966.

Search RAMBI

More Bibliographic Databases

Bibliography of the Hebrew Book

The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book includes the national bibliography of the Jewish people; and detailed descriptions of all Jewish literature printed in Hebrew characters, including every type of literature and in every language. The Bibliography includes most of the books, pamphlets and magazines printed in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Arabic, and other Jewish languages, found in collections in Israel and abroad, starting from the beginning of Hebrew printing (circa 1460) through 1960.

Enter the c​atalog of the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book

The recording of the books is done in a scientific manner according to rules set by an editorial staff led by Prof. Gershom Scholem and Prof. Ben-Zion Dinur, and was based on examination of the books themselves. It includes a full description of the contents of the book and accompanying material, as well as all participants in its composition: editors, translators, authors of forewords and introductions, interpreters and illustrators and more. The description also relates to all works of the author and the relationship between the various editions of the works, with special emphasis on matters related to the composition of the book and its printing.

The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book also includes a short biography of all the artists who worked in Israeli literature, including authors, translators and so on.

The database currently contains 115,000 bibliographic records and more than 15,000 biographies of persons. Furthermore, the National Library's comprehensive catalogue contains close to 50,000 links to the Bibliography.

Union List of Yiddish – ULY

ULY - Union List of Yiddish

ULY – Union List of Yiddish – is a joint effort of four institutions with substantial Yiddish collection, YIVO (Institute for Jewish Research), YBC (Yiddish Book Center), NYPL (New York Public Library) and the National Library of Israel. The goal in this project is to create a full catalog of Yiddish publications, allow one search and link back to the different institutions and add a link to a digital copy where possible.

Enter ULY

OCLC - WorldCat

​WorldCat is a union catalog that itemizes the collections of 17,900 libraries in 123 countries and territories, which are part of the OCLC cooperative (Online Computer Library Center). The catalog enables the user to locate items in libraries worldwide.

Enter OCLC