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The Bible is not for children

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"36 difficult Bible stories told in rhyming verse, each illustrated by a sculpture or painting, brings new insights to the Bible. For example, a sculpture of David holding the head of Goliath is accompanied by a poem which reveals that David killed Goliath in First Samuel, but a guy named Elhanan killed Goliath in Second Samuel, but in Chronicles it is Goliath's brother whom Elhanan kills leaving the credit to David for slaying Goliath. But, the story in First Samuel tells of the young David bringing the head and sword of Goliath to Jerusalem, even though Jerusalem was not conquered by David until almost thirty years later, when he was king. Stories of Abraham, Lot and his family, the binding of Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, the Exodus, Balaam (was he a prophet or a necromancer), Numbers (and its diminishing return), several Judges including Jephthah and the sacrifice of his daughter, Samuel, David, Jonah and other prophets, major and minor. The book is an in depth Bible study disguised as a simple picture book." -- Amazon.

Title The Bible is not for children : illustrations from the "Old" Testament : Bible stories in art and poetry / by Chaim Bezalel.
Publisher [United States] : Dekel Press
Creation Date [2021]
Genre Israeli poetry (English)
Extent 85 pages : illustrations
21 cm
Language English
Copyright Date ©2021
National Library system number 997010473032405171

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