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Die unterlegene Religion

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Analyzes the understanding of Judaism in the writings of 13 German Protestant Old Testament scholars from 1850 to 1933, with a brief chapter on the Nazi period. They distinguished between prophetic religion ("Israel") which developed into Christianity, and legalistic "Judaism", which became ossified. In general, they avoided any connection of their field of study with post-biblical and contemporary Jewry. However, in 1912 Rudolf Kittel was asked by the court to submit an expert opinion on the book "Mein Beweismaterial gegen Jahwe" by the antisemite Theodor Fritsch, on trial for blasphemy and defamation of the Jewish religious community. Kittel refuted Fritsch's allegations, but at the same time he pointed to negative characteristics in both biblical and contemporary Judaism. In the Nazi period, with few exceptions, Old Testament scholars carried on their work in utter detachment from what was happening to the Jews, or, as in the case of Johannes Hempel (editor of the "Zeitschrift für alttestamentliche Wissenschaft"), they accommodated their views to Nazism. (From the Bibliography of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Title Die unterlegene Religion : das Judentum im Urteil deutscher Alttestamentler : zur Kritik theologischer Geschichtsschreibung / Ulrich Kusche.
Contributors Institut Kirche und Judentum
Publisher Berlin : Institut Kirche und Judentum
Creation Date 1991
Notes Includes index.
Bibliography: p. 186-206.
Series Studien zu Kirche und Israel
Bd. 12
Extent 209 pages
22 cm.
Language German
National Library system number 990011666110205171

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