Tombstones. Photograph of: Jewish cemetery in Mostar

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Title Tombstones. Photograph of: Jewish cemetery in Mostar
Creation Date 2001
Notes Copies/עותקים: A00275.jpg
Call number at Current Custodian אוסף המרכז לאמנות יהודית - Center for Jewish Art Collection
CJA Jewish Funerary Art-16932-A00275
Host Item Jewish Funerary Art
Language No linguistic content
Call Number CJA-16932-A00275
Access Rights online_resources
Copies A00275.jpg
Other Date Bosnia and Herzegovina, Herzegovina, Mostar
Physical description of original Jewish Cemetery
Credits המרכז לאמנות יהודית באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים Center for Jewish Art at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
National Library system number 997000244500405171

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Tombstones. Photograph of: Jewish cemetery in Mostar – הספרייה הלאומית

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