⁨⁨Trybuna Akademicka⁩⁩

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About this newspaper

Title: ⁨⁨Trybuna Akademicka⁩⁩; Organ Żydowskiej Młodzieży Akademickiej
Available online: 1 January 1927 - 1 May 1939 (80 issues; 2,260 pages)
Language: ⁨Polish⁩
Region: ⁨East Europe⁩
Country: ⁨Poland⁩
City: ⁨Warsaw⁩
Collection: ⁨The Jewish Press in Poland⁩
Frequency: ⁨Monthly⁩
Brought to you from the collections of: ⁨National Library of Poland⁩
An inter-disciplinary journal for young Jewish scholars, with articles and columns covering a wide variety of topics (Economy, History, Sociology, Judaism, Zionism, Literature etc.). Most of the articles were in Polish, but there was also a small section for Yiddish and Hebrew in each issue.
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