The Vulgate

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • כתב יד
כותר The Vulgate.
כותרים נוספים Biblia sacra
Bible in Latin
מקום קשור France-place of writing
יוצרים נוספים Jerome, Saint, 347-419 or 420
מקור/בעלים The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
שנה 1220-1240
הערות With the Prologue by St. Jerome.
P. 325r-346r: Biblia sacra, the alphabetical list of interpretations of Hebrew names. The upper margins were trimmed by a binder.
The National Library of Israel Jerusalem Israel Ms. Var. 502
Written in minute semi-Gothic cursive script
Paper flyleaves (3 in beginning and 3 at end) contemporary to binding. MS has been trimmed. Gilt edges. Some water damage. Two parts, closely related.
First part (ff. 1r-324v, 245 x 167 mm): Thin brownish parchment. Flesh and hair sides are almost indiscernible. Ruled in lead point and sometimes in brown ink. Bounding lines: 1, 2, 1 vert., 2 hor. in brown ink. Text space 168 x 108 mm. 2 cols. 53 lines, written in dark brown ink, set above top line, one hand. 14-15th c. marginal additions. Contemporary additions and corrections. Foliation is modern, in grey pencil. Up to f. 7 appears an earlier foliation, in top centre, in brown ink, in Arabic numerals.
Second part (ff. 325r-346v, 241 x 167 mm): Thin brownish (more brownish and dirty than in first part) parchment. Prickings are occasionally seen at the outer margins. Ruling is not visible. Text space 214 x 136 mm. 3 cols., 68 lines, written in brown ink, one hand. 14-15th c. marginal additions.
Collation: I-XXVII12 (fols. 1r-324v), // XXVIII-XXIX8, XXX8 wants 7 and 8. (fols. 325r-346v).
Decoration: First Part. First blue initial P(rater) with red penwork. Red and blue titles. 12-22 lines red and blue initials. Red rubrics, red and blue chapter numbers. Second Part: Red rubrics, red initials.
Binding: 250 x 182 mm. 17-18th c. brown leather with gilt in gold geometrical and decorative ornament, over wooden boards. Endleaves are from wine-coloured silk, sewn on 5 thongs. At the spine, gilt in gold: BIBLIA SACRA.
נושא Digitized manuscripts
פרסומים Rare books and manuscripts from the bequest of Charles J. Rosenbloom, Pittsburgh: exhibition and catalogue, Berman Hall, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem, March-April, 1974, no. 11.
סימול במוסד בעלים The National Library of Israel, Ms. Var. 502
היקף החומר [3], 346, [3] ff
246X170 mm.
Written in minute semi-Gothic cursive script
Paper flyleaves (3 in beginning and 3 at end) contemporary to binding. MS has been trimmed. Gilt edges. Some water damage. Two parts, closely related.
First part (ff. 1r-324v, 245 x 167 mm): Thin brownish parchment. Flesh and hair sides are almost indiscernible. Ruled in lead point and sometimes in brown ink. Bounding lines: 1, 2, 1 vert., 2 hor. in brown ink. Text space 168 x 108 mm. 2 cols. 53 lines, written in dark brown ink, set above top line, one hand. 14-15th c. marginal additions. Contemporary additions and corrections. Foliation is modern, in grey pencil. Up to f. 7 appears an earlier foliation, in top centre, in brown ink, in Arabic numerals.
Second part (ff. 325r-346v, 241 x 167 mm): Thin brownish (more brownish and dirty than in first part) parchment. Prickings are occasionally seen at the outer margins. Ruling is not visible. Text space 214 x 136 mm. 3 cols., 68 lines, written in brown ink, one hand. 14-15th c. marginal additions.
Collation: I-XXVII12 (fols. 1r-324v), // XXVIII-XXIX8, XXX8 wants 7 and 8. (fols. 325r-346v).
Decoration: First Part. First blue initial P(rater) with red penwork. Red and blue titles. 12-22 lines red and blue initials. Red rubrics, red and blue chapter numbers. Second Part: Red rubrics, red initials.
Binding: 250 x 182 mm. 17-18th c. brown leather with gilt in gold geometrical and decorative ornament, over wooden boards. Endleaves are from wine-coloured silk, sewn on 5 thongs. At the spine, gilt in gold: BIBLIA SACRA.
שפה לטינית
היסטורית בעלים From Charles J. Rosenbloom collection.
קרדיטים מאוסף הספרייה הלאומית
מספר מערכת 990034181730205171

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