הספרייה המרכזית של אזור סיציליה ע"ש אלברטו בומבצ'י

The Central Library of the Sicilian Region "Alberto Bombace" is located in the historic monumental complex of the "Collegio Massimo of the Society of Jesus" founded in 1588. From the beginning the building housed a library for the Jesuit fathers who taught in the College. Expelled in 1767, the Company from the Kingdom of Sicily, in 1782 was inaugurated, in the former College, the "Real Library", commissioned by King Ferdinand IV of Naples and III of Sicily, with royal decree of 1778. The executor of the decree, Gabriele Lancillotto Castelli, prince of Torremuzza, to the historical nucleus of the Jesuit library, added collections from other Jesuit houses in Palermo and the Val di Mazara, from private libraries and purchases. The Jesuits were re-admitted into the Kingdom in 1805, and the Library was entrusted to them until 1860. After the Unification of Italy, the Library became the National Library of Palermo. With the suppression of religious orders (Law 3036 / 7.7.1866), its patrimony was enriched with about seventy thousand volumes, coming from the libraries of 18 convents. The Library has continued to acquire monographs and periodicals, particularly of Sicilian interest, and collections of private books and documentaries, as well as, by press right, the publications published in Palermo. Since 1977, following the assignment to the Sicilian Region of the skills in the field of library and archival goods, the Library has taken the name of Central Library of the Sicilian Region. Its library heritage now boasts almost 700,000 volumes, including 1930 manuscripts, 1,044 incunabula, over 7,000 editions of the 16th century, prints, correspondence, flying sheets and drawings.