Learning and teaching in physical education

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • ספר

Designed to fill the space of a course book for BA, PGCE and ITT courses in PE. This book brings together for the first time current thinking in Physical Education, together with research findings and examples of best practice. It caters for the growing pedagogical component of the many new PE and Sports Science courses, and will benefit students and teachers alike, providing content, structure and direction to their studies. -- Publisher.

כותר Learning and teaching in physical education / edited by Colin A. Hardy and Mick Mawer.
מהדורה 1st ed.
מוציא לאור London
Philadelphia, PA : Falmer Press
שנה 1999
הערות Includes bibliographical references and index.
הערת תוכן ותקציר Social construction of teaching and learning : the politics of pedagogy / John Evans, Brian Davies and Dawn Penney -- Pupils' interpretations of physical education / Christopher Laws and Richard Fisher -- Pupils' metacognition and learning / Ian Luke and Colin A. Hardy -- Cognitive strategies / Ian Luke and Colin A. Hardy -- Teaching styles and teaching approaches in physical education : research developments / Mick Mawer -- Motivation of pupils in physical education / Stuart Biddle -- Student misbehaviours and teachers' responses in physical education lessons / Colin A. Hardy -- Instruction from a learning perspective / Judith E. Rink -- Understanding physical education teachers : a focus on the lived body / Andrew C. Sparkes -- Knowledgeable teachers in physical education : a view of teachers' knowledge / Tony Rossi and Tania Cassidy -- Teacher thinking and decision making in physical education : planning, perceiving, and implementing instruction / David C. Griffey and Lynn Dale Housner -- Silver bullets, golden visions, and possible dreams : a wish list for the future of research in physical education / Patt Dodds.
היקף החומר 1 online resource (viii, 240 pages) : Illustrations.
שפה אנגלית
מספר מערכת 997010710628405171
תצוגת MARC

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