A different kind of boy

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • ספר

This is the story of an autistic boy who is also loving, brilliant and resilient. In this book, his father writes about the joys, fears, frustration, exhilaration, and exhaustion involved in raising his son. He writes about the impact on his family, the travails of navigating the educational system, and the lessons he has learned about life.

כותר A different kind of boy : a father's memoir about raising a gifted child with autism / Daniel Mont.
מהדורה 1st ed.
מוציא לאור London : Jessica Kingsley
שנה 2002
הערות Description based upon print version of record.
הערת תוכן ותקציר Cover Page
Of Related Interest
Title Page
1. A Fair-Haired Boy
2. "You're a Father Now, Damn it!"
3. The Wild Goose Chase
4. A Different Sort of Boy
5. Daycare
6. An Addition to the Family
7. Doors Opened and Closed
8. "You Want to Do It!"
9. Taking Turns
10. "I Know, Mom, I Know"
11. My Parents
12. A Team
13. Off the Charts
14. The Evaluation
15. "My Son, the Doctor"
16. "Believe Me, They'd Have a Schedule!"
17. An Integrated Classroom
18. Crazy, Incomprehensible Rules
19. Exhausted
20. On the Town
21. "That's Just Backwards Multiplication!"22. Frame of Reference
23. Spreadable Fruit
24. Diabetes
25. Off to School
26. Such a Bright Boy
27. Mathematical Marvel
28. Simon
29. Careers
30. "Daddy, Look What I Can Do!"
31. "Don't Mourn for Us"
32. Moving to DC
33. New Kid on the Block
34. Such Sensitive Children
35. A Blessing
36. Stamping Out Ambiguity
37. Going Hazy
38. Learning to Cope
39. Black History Month
40. Mr Hustle
41. Front Page News
42. Life
43. Math Camp
44. Connections Gained and Lost
45. Graduation
46. Becoming Self-Aware
היקף החומר 1 online resource (333 p.)
שפה אנגלית
מספר מערכת 997010700498505171
תצוגת MARC

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