Tatar empire

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט

"In the 1700s, Kazan Tatar (Muslim scholars of Kazan) and scholarly networks stood at the forefront of Russia's expansion into the South Urals, western Siberia, and the Kazakh steppe. It was there that the Tatars worked with Russian agents, established settlements, and spread their own religious and intellectual culture that helped shaped their identity in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Kazan Tatars profited economically from Russia's commercial and military expansion to Muslim lands and began to present themselves as leaders capable of bringing Islamic modernity to the rest of Russia's Muslim population. Danielle Ross bridges the history of Russia's imperial project with the history of Russia's Muslims by exploring the Kazan Tatars as participants in the construction of the Russian empire. Ross focuses on Muslim clerical and commercial networks to reconstruct the ongoing interaction among Russian imperial policy, nonstate actors, and intellectual developments within Kazan's Muslim community and also considers the evolving relationship with Central Asia, the Kazakh steppe, and western China. Tatar Empire offers a more Muslim-centered narrative of Russian empire building, making clear the links between cultural reformism and Kazan Tatar participation in the Russian eastward expansion"-- Provided by publisher.

כותר Tatar empire : Kazan's Muslims and the making of Imperial Russia / Danielle Ross.
כותרים נוספים Kazan's Muslims and the making of Imperial Russia
מוציא לאור Bloomington, Indiana : Indiana University Press
שנה [2020
הערות Includes bibliographical references (pages 249-265) and index.
הערת תוכן ותקציר Introduction : The empire that Tatars built -- The age of the settler 'Ulama' -- The art of accruing scholarly prestige -- Colonial trade and religious revial -- A Shaykyly rural gentry -- Knowledge, history writing, and becoming colonial -- Muslim cultural reform and Kazan Tatar cultural imperialism -- Fundamentalism, nationalism and social conflict -- At war with the Tatar Kingdom -- An empire without Russians -- Conclusion.
היקף החומר viii, 276 pages
24 cm
שפה אנגלית
שנת זכויות יוצרים ©2020
מספר מערכת 997008883903705171

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