Biblical costume : with adaptations for use in plays / by Marion Logan Wright.
Marion Logan Wright
ספרכותר |
Clothing and nudity in the Hebrew Bible / edited by Christoph Berner, Manuel Schäfer, Martin Schott, Sarah Schulz, and Martina Weingärtner. |
יוצרים נוספים |
Berner, Christoph (editor) |
מוציא לאור |
London : T&T Clark |
שנה |
2019 |
הערות |
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. |
הערת תוכן ותקציר |
Between regulation, identification, and representation: clothing and nudity from the perspective of the study of religion / Anna-Katharina Höpflinger -- Clothing and nudity in the ancient Near East from the perspective of gender studies / Agnès Garcia-Ventura -- Clothing and nudity from the perspective of anthropological studies / Lars Allolio-Näcke -- Textile production in the Iron Age ancient Near East / Naḥum Ben-Yehuda -- Clothing and nudity in the ancient Near East: archaeological and iconographic aspects / Allison Thomason -- Concepts and contexts of female and male nudity in the iconography of the Southern Levant / Katharina Pyschny -- Stripped bare: communicating rank and status in Old Kingdom Egypt / Dina Serova -- Fabrication, functions, and uses of textiles in the Hebrew Bible / Wolfgang Zwickel -- Nudity and clothing in the lexicon of the Hebrew Bible / Holger Gzella -- Nudity and clothing in the Hebrew Bible: theological and anthropological aspects / Jürgen van Oorschot -- The clothing of cult statues and biblical polemics against iconic worship / Sonja Ammann -- The garments of God: iconographic case studies from Isaiah 6:1 59:17 and 63:1-6 / Joel M. LeMon and Richard A. Purcell -- Robed in majesty: clothing as a metaphor for the classical Hebrew semantic domain of ... / Marilyn E. Burton -- Tearing one's clothes and rites of mourning / Melanie Köhlmoos -- Barefoot before God: shoes and sacred space in the Hebrew Bible and ancient Near East / Joachim J. Krause -- "You shall not wear clothes made of wool and linen woven together" (Deut. 22:11): clothing in biblical law / Eckart Otto -- "When you see the naked, cover them!" (Isa. 58:7): the clothing of the poor as an act of righteousness / Rainer Kessler -- Clothing and nudity in the paradise story (Gen. 2-3) / Friedhelm Hartenstein -- Clothing and nudity in the Noah story (Gen. 9:18-29) / Michaela Bauks -- The garment motif in Gen. 37-39 / Franziska Ede -- The symbolism of vestimentary acts in Gen. 27, Gen. 38, and 1 Sam. 17 / Martina Weingärtner -- "Mind the step!" (Exod. 20:26), or, even better: "Wear breeches!" (Exod. 28:42-43). The issue of (un-)covering one's "shame" in cultic legislation / Christoph Berner -- The priestly vestments / Nathan MacDonald -- Veiling Moses' shining face (Exod. 34:29-35) / Wolfgang Oswald -- The dancing David: nudity and cult in 2 Sam. 6 / Sarah Schulz -- Elijah's hairy robe and the clothes of the prophets / Martin Schott -- Nudity and captivity in Isa. 20 in light of iconographic evidence / Andrea Beyer -- Clothing, nudity, and shame in the book of Ezekiel and prophetic oracles of judgment / Anja Klein -- Clean garments for Joshua: the purficiation of the high priest in Zech. 3 / Martin Hallaschka -- Women's dress codes in the book of Proverbs / Stefan Fischer -- Clothing and nudity in the Song of Songs / Meik Gerhards. |
היקף החומר |
xxi, 590 pages : illustrations 21 cm. |
שפה |
אנגלית |
שנת זכויות יוצרים |
©2019 |
מספר מערכת |
990052783770205171 |
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