⁨⁨Spółdzielczość Kupiecka⁩ - ⁨די סוחרישע קאָאָפעראַציע⁩⁩

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About this newspaper

Title: ⁨⁨Spółdzielczość Kupiecka⁩ - ⁨די סוחרישע קאָאָפעראַציע⁩⁩; ארגאן פון פערבאנד פון די יודישע סוחרישע קאאפעראטיווען אין פוילען
Available online: 27 December 1931 - 15 May 1939 (44 issues; 909 pages)
Language: ⁨Yiddish⁩
Region: ⁨East Europe⁩
Country: ⁨Poland⁩
City: ⁨Warsaw⁩
Collection: ⁨The Yiddish Press Section⁩ / ⁨The Jewish Press in Poland⁩
Frequency: ⁨Monthly⁩
Brought to you from the collections of: ⁨National Library of Poland⁩
The official organ of the Polish Jewish Merchants Union Cooperative, published between 1931-1939 in Warsaw. The Journal was a bilingual one, with a main section in Yiddish, and a supplementary in Polish (called: Spółdzielczość Kupiecka). The articles published dealt with a variety of relevant topics, such as: The banks of Poland, The financial crisis in Europe, Legal issues regarding local trade alongside with many interesting tables and data about the volume of Jewish trade and so forth.
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