Shmuel Even-Or (Ornstein) was born in Jerusalem in April 1929. His parents were Yitzchak Avigdor Ornstein and Haya Moshka nee Veidman. His siblings were: Rachel (1915-1985, married Avraham Cohen Roth), Yishayahu (Oren), Avraham Yerachmiel Oren (1919-2009, married Y. Fligman), Sarah Rivka (1936, Weiss) and Yisrael Ori (1922-2008). His father, Yitzchak Avigdor Ornstein (1893), the son of Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib and Raziel nee Zuckerman were fifth generation in Israel, son of the families Rivlin, Sheintoch and Zuckerman. In his youth he was a scholar in Talmud and Torah study. His public activities started at the time of the First World War. He was active in rescue operations in Jerusalem, for example helping those stricken with typhoid and the plague. He also founded the Young Mizrachi Organization in Israel. His mother (1898), the daughter of Asher Yitzchak Veidman, was a fifth generation in Israel. The couple married when Liba was 17 years old (1917). After their marriage, the couple moved to "Kfar Haivri" in the Neve Yaakov settlement in the northern outskirts of the city of Jerusalem. They were one of the original settlers (1925). After the Arab uprisings in 1929, following an international committee set up by the League of Nations to discuss Western Wall issues, Yitzhak Avigdor Orenstein (1930) was appointed Rabbi and supervisor of the National Institutions and Agudat Israel as the representative of the Jewish community for the preservation of the Western Wall. During the period of the Arab Revolt in Palestine, 1936-1939, when the Yishuv was attacked by Arabs, the couple withstood all the hardships. Yitzchak Avigdor served as the 'Mukhtar' of the village. He was in charge of the finances and represented the government in terms of security and defense of the village. The Ornstein Family moved to the Jewish Quarter in the Old City in 1940. During the War of Independence, in 1948, the family did not evacuate from the Old City, but turned their home into headquarters for the Haganna. Their home was on the 'front lines' and even had a 'slick' in it. The Ornstein couple was murdered when a shell was thrown on the Old City shortly after the Establishment of the State of Israel (14th of Iyar 1948). At first they were buried in the Old City, but later they were buried in a mass grave on the Mount of Olives. In 1946 Shmuel Even-Or served in the 8th battalion of the Palmach (he fought in the southern Negev) and in the 5th battalion which fought in Sh'ar Hagai. When he was drafted into the IDF he completed a course as a combat sergeant and served as a platoon leaderin the Space Brigade of the Division of Spatial Defense and later as a sergeant in the 62nd battalion. He completed a course as a regional security officer in civil defense and served as commander in the Jerusalem Civil Defense Rescue Department. He moved to the Division of Training for Local Guides and guided until his retirement from the IDF at the age of 55. He was a supervisor in the Department of Land Development in the JNF-Keren Kayemet L'Israel. He was a guide in Israel and researched Jerusalem and its neighborhoods. He wrote many articles and books on the subject. He married Esther Alfi (13.06.1956). The couple had four children; Liba (later Yarden), Hanna-Dalit (later Avni), a son Ron Asa-Almog and Shibolet (later Vaknin). The couple lived in Mevasseret Zion. Shmuel passed away in July 2013. This photo collection, brought to the Yad Ben-Zvi Archives by Shmuel Even-Or contains personal and family photographs; pictures from the beginning of the settlement in the Hebrew Village 'Neve Ya'akov'; the Jewish Quarter during the siege of the War of Independence; activities of the Palmach in the Negev along with photographs of the various neighborhoods in Jerusalem, it's streets and buildings as well as forests and projects of the JNF (Keren Kayemet L'Israel).
שפה נוכחית