Rabbi Avraham Philosof was born in the year 1864 and came on Aliya in 1866 with his family from the city of Larisa, Greece. Although he was Sephardi he studied in the elementary school “Lemel” in Jerusalem and later married the daughter of Rabbi Raphael Moshe Hacohen from Jaffa. He was a permanent member of the Rabbinic Court of the Sephardim and the deputy to the head of the Rabbinic Court, Rabbi David Papo. Rabbi Philosof served as the president of the Sephardi Orphanage in Even Yisrael, Jerusalem. He was also the head of the Tiferet Yerushalayim Yeshiva. He passed away at the beginning of 1940. This collection was donated to the picture collection of Yad Ben Zvi as part of the joint project with the Community center “Lev Ha-Ir”, Jerusalem. The founders of the Nahalot neighborhoods were documented.
שפה נוכחית