RAV Pinhas Epstein Rabbi Pinhas Epstein, Head of Rabbinical Court, was born in 1887 in Bialystok, Russia to Esther who passed away when he was five years old and Yishayahu Epstein. Rabbi Epstein had three brothers Zerach (head of the "Torat Hayim" yeshiva in the old city of Jerusalem from 1920-1931), Yaakov, a merchant and Moshe (rabbi of Kiryat Smuel, Rehavia, Jerusalem), Eilihayu and his sister, Elka. At the age of 18 Rabbi Pinhas came on Aliya with his father and settled in the old city of Jerusalem. Both of them studied in the "Torat Hayim" yeshiva under the tutelage of Rabbi Zerach Epstein, head of the yeshiva and the brother of Rabbi Pinhas Epstein. Rabbi Pinhas Epstein married Haya Pesel in 1907. She passed away at the age of thirty-seven. Rabbi Pinhas and Haya Epstein had four children: Nehama, Avraham Haim, Ahuva "Liba" and Yishayahu. His second and third marriages did not last more than a few months. His fourth marriage was to Shoshana "Reizl" Klein who came on Aliya in 1918 by herself, at the age of eighteen from the city of Siget Marmoresh, Hungary. The couple had four children: Rachel, Yosef, Yona and Yaakov. Rabbi Epstein passed away in 1970 and his wife Shoshana in 1987. Both of them were 83 years old. During the blockade of Jerusalem in 1948 the Epstein family, like many others, left the Old City of Jerusalem and settled in the neighborhood of Knesset Beit on Hanaziv St. in Jerusalem. Rabad=rosh av beit din Epstein had a warm personality and was liberal in his ideas, and interested in the world beyond his community and in civil law. While serving in the badatz=beit din zedek, he interrogated and tried to reach the crux of the matter and his decisions were accepted by both the religious and the secular who were called to "din Tora" and when he made requests to the Mandatory authorities, they were answered in the affirmative because of his stature as a righteous judge both within his community and outside of it. Rabbi Epstein wrote four books of his own and five books of collected rabbinic articles which were highly regarded in rabbinic circles. He was involved in the inner circle of haredi politics whose leaders were Rabbi Haim Zonnenfeld and the head of Agudat Yisrael, Rabbi Moshe Bloy. At the same Rabbi Epstein had ties with Zionist leaders such as Yitzhak Ben Zvi, Zalman Shazar and Rabbi Uziel, Rabbi Herzog, Rabbi Pardes and Rabbi Kook. Rabbi Epstein's son Yosef, or his full name Zerach Yosef Leib (the name Zerach was added as the brit took place during the shiva of his father's brother Zerach) was born in 1931 two years after the birth of his older sister Rachel. Yosef studied in "heder" and then in yeshivot in Jerusalem and in Bnei Braq and at the age of fifteen joined the Etzel (Irgun Zvei Leumi). While his family left the Old City of Jerusalem, he remained there to fight as part of Etzel together with the Hagana. When the city fell on 15 June, 1948 to the Jordian Legion under Abdalla Tal, Yosef was taken into captivity. He was slightly wounded and wound up in the city of Mifrak in East Jordan. Two weeks later he was transferred to the camp "Um El Gamal" which was on the main Jordan-Iraq road where some 700 POW were held. After nine months with the ceasefire and the armistice agreement under the aegis of the United Nations, all the POWs were freed and Yosef returned to Jerusalem. In 1950, his parents divorced when he was only 19 years old and he lost contact with his father, Rabbi Pinhas Epstein. As a result, Yosef began to study to be an electrician, for three years, while taking on jobs in order to support his mother and siblings. In 1952 Yosef became an electrical contractor. Three years later he married Hedva who was working as the head of the office of the contractor, Abir Bieberman.
שפה נוכחית