פתחו לי שערי צדק
لتكبير النص لتصغير النص- تسجيل تجاري
- [ישראל] : Hed Arzi
- [1963] القيمين:
- קרליבך, שלמה (מלחין)
- جزء 1
פתחו לי
וכל החיים
- جزء 2
ימין ושמאל
אשא עיני
ואני תפילתי
יתברך שמך
Two hundred years ago Israel Baal Shem Tov, founder of Chassidism, set a weary woebegone world aflame with a fiery philosophy of service through joy, through heart, through song. For his disciples, the masters of mysticism, song become a way of worship, a means of ascents and in the timeless earth-transcending melodies the soul itself found voice.It is this concept that finds unique contemporary expression in the compositions of Shlomo Carlebach. With smoldering simplicity the revivalist rabbi captures and communicates the warmth and the wonder, the intensity, the immensity, the anguish and the ecstasy of Jewish life on many levels, as he himself has experienced it. For these songs are no ordinary songs. They are new dimensional folksongs, soul songs. flame-lit melodies. They are prayers, are param, are poems, are impassioned outpourings of both and hope and yearning. They are moods that are mirrored in the rhapsodic response of kindled participants. The melodies on this disc were actually recorded at The Village Gate. Never before had that sprawling offbeat musical cavern-packed to its subterranean seams-seen such scenes. As Shlomo danced down from the stage, be held his audience as well as his guitar in the palm of his hand. Exuberant fans danced, chanted, hummed, clapped, tapped, swayed to and fro in a frenzy of compulsive participation. The New York Times music critic commented, after a Carlebach appearance at Town Hall, on this "enthusiastic and affectionate response. He has the people with him," wrote Robert Shelton, "He can ask for no more" An ordained rabbi, a scholar and a scion of scholars, an alumnus of Lakewood Yeshiva and Columbia University, the young composer is a missionary whose medium is music, And his mission takes the form of a deep almost desperate desire to bring Jewishness to Jews, harmony to humanity. Certainly there is a legendary quality in the tales of his wanderings through the world. striking lost chords and plucking heart strings with his guitar strings. It is not surprising that an anthology of anecdotes has somehow col- lected around his public and private lives. A star of international repute, "Shlomele" has crowded concert halls in Jerusalem, Paris, 5. London, Amsterdam, Rome. "The world is my headquarters," he declares. In four years he has composed some 250 melodies and has sent two recordings - SONGS OF MY SOUL (Haneshomoh Loch) and SING MY HEART (Borchi Nafshi) - girdling the globe. Chassidim believe that in the highest heavens there is a sanctuary that song alone can unlock. Could these songs be the keys to that Gate? Sing them and see. [Rachel Ann Rabinowicz] "A personal message from Shlomo Carlebach. While on the way to my concert at the Village Gate, I composed the melody Pischa Li Sharei Zedek. Open The Gates of Righteousness. It occurred to me that at one time or another all of us have stood at the Heavenly not open instantly many of us turned away in anger or despair, not realising that we must be prepared to knock for a lifetime. This, my third record, is an invitation to young people who know that life without Him is empty. Let us with song and prayer and hearts of firestorm the Gates of Righteousness together. Meet you at the gates." -- From the back of the record. |
عناوين إضافية |
על גבי התקליט: שלמה קרליבך בהופעה פומבית On label also: At the village gate / Shlomo Carlebach |
المؤدي |
קרליבך, שלמה |
شركة التسجيل |
[ישראל] : Hed Arzi |
تاريخ الإنتاج |
[1963] |
القائمون على العمل |
קרליבך, שלמה 1925-1994 (מלחין, מבצע)
الفني |
Songs, Hebrew |
وصف مادي |
1 תקליט : סטריאו 33 1/3 סל"ד 12 אינץ'.. |
لغة |
heb |
ملاحظة عن المحتوى |
צד א. פתחו לי -- התנערי -- רחם -- וכל החיים -- השמיעיני. צד ב. ימין ושמאל -- אשא עיני -- וזוכר -- ואני תפילתי -- יתברך שמך. |
ملاحظة المشاركين |
שלמה קרליבך |
رقم الرف |
JR 05058 |
رقم النظام |
990034622320205171 |
תנאי השימוש:
حظر النسخ
قد يُحظر نسخ المادة واستخدامها للنشر، التوزيع، الأداء العلنيّ، البثّ، إتاحة المادة للجمهور على الإنترنت أو بوسائل أخرى، إنتاج عمل مشتقّ من المادة (على سبيل المثال، ترجمة العمل وتعديله أو معالجته)، بصيغة إلكترونية أو آلية، من دون الحصول على إذن مسبق من مالك حقوق التأليف والنشر ومن مالكي المجموعة.
لاستيضاح إمكانية استخدام المادة، يرجى ملء استمارة الاستفسار عن حقوق التأليف والنشر
معلومات إضافية:
قد تكون المادة خاضعة لحقوق التأليف والنشر و/ أو شروط اتفاقية.
إذا كنت تعتقد/ين أنّه قد وقع خطأ في المعطيات الواردة أعلاهُ، أو أنّك تعتقد/ين أنّ هناك انتهاكًا لحقوق التأليف والنشر بشأن هذه المادة، فيرجى التوجُّه إلينا من خلال الاستمارة التالية.
عن الألبوم
Two hundred years ago Israel Baal Shem Tov, founder of Chassidism, set a weary woebegone world aflame with a fiery philosophy of service through joy, through heart, through song. For his disciples, the masters of mysticism, song become a way of worship, a means of ascents and in the timeless earth-transcending melodies the soul itself found voice.It is this concept that finds unique contemporary expression in the compositions of Shlomo Carlebach. With smoldering simplicity the revivalist rabbi captures and communicates the warmth and the wonder, the intensity, the immensity, the anguish and the ecstasy of Jewish life on many levels, as he himself has experienced it. For these songs are no ordinary songs. They are new dimensional folksongs, soul songs. flame-lit melodies. They are prayers, are param, are poems, are impassioned outpourings of both and hope and yearning. They are moods that are mirrored in the rhapsodic response of kindled participants. The melodies on this disc were actually recorded at The Village Gate. Never before had that sprawling offbeat musical cavern-packed to its subterranean seams-seen such scenes. As Shlomo danced down from the stage, be held his audience as well as his guitar in the palm of his hand. Exuberant fans danced, chanted, hummed, clapped, tapped, swayed to and fro in a frenzy of compulsive participation. The New York Times music critic commented, after a Carlebach appearance at Town Hall, on this "enthusiastic and affectionate response. He has the people with him," wrote Robert Shelton, "He can ask for no more" An ordained rabbi, a scholar and a scion of scholars, an alumnus of Lakewood Yeshiva and Columbia University, the young composer is a missionary whose medium is music, And his mission takes the form of a deep almost desperate desire to bring Jewishness to Jews, harmony to humanity. Certainly there is a legendary quality in the tales of his wanderings through the world. striking lost chords and plucking heart strings with his guitar strings. It is not surprising that an anthology of anecdotes has somehow col- lected around his public and private lives. A star of international repute, "Shlomele" has crowded concert halls in Jerusalem, Paris, 5. London, Amsterdam, Rome. "The world is my headquarters," he declares. In four years he has composed some 250 melodies and has sent two recordings - SONGS OF MY SOUL (Haneshomoh Loch) and SING MY HEART (Borchi Nafshi) - girdling the globe. Chassidim believe that in the highest heavens there is a sanctuary that song alone can unlock. Could these songs be the keys to that Gate? Sing them and see. [Rachel Ann Rabinowicz] "A personal message from Shlomo Carlebach. While on the way to my concert at the Village Gate, I composed the melody Pischa Li Sharei Zedek. Open The Gates of Righteousness. It occurred to me that at one time or another all of us have stood at the Heavenly not open instantly many of us turned away in anger or despair, not realising that we must be prepared to knock for a lifetime. This, my third record, is an invitation to young people who know that life without Him is empty. Let us with song and prayer and hearts of firestorm the Gates of Righteousness together. Meet you at the gates." -- From the back of the record.
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